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Vacation Bible School



Today Tootie and I attended VBS at one of our local churches. The church not only encouraged special needs children to attend; they are focusing on children with special needs.


Since they had so many kindergarteners; Tootie had to be placed with the 4 year olds. Tootie and I made a train using a sponge dipped in paint. After art, we listened to a story about Jesus and sang some songs. We then had a snack of gold fish and apple juice. Afterward the children lined up and we went on the playground. Tootie went down the slide twice! Although it was cloudy and had been sprinkling, it was still hot outside; so, when we returned to our room, Tootie took a short nap.


All the members were so kind and most accommodating. The gentlemen of the church installed a temporary ramp to make it easier for Tootie and me to get to our assigned classroom. In fact, they told me tomorrow morning, a parking space will be saved just for us; it will be right next to the door!


I initially thought all the special needs children were going to be together but they are not; they are in separate classrooms. I applaud this church for not only acknowledging our children but including our children. I am a huge advocate of inclusive education and am so thankful this church had the insight to incorporate this into their program!


:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:


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Wow, you brought back some precious memories. I was associated with a Baptist chuch in the '70's and I was a teacher at Vacation Bible School. I remember making pastoral scenes with cotton wool clouds and flowers and grass we picked ourselves in a nearby park. And then next day singing songs about sheep and labelling each person a shepherd or a sheep and all the kids tearing about the place chasing one another until all the sheep were penned!


Glad to hear someone had the sense to include special needs kids and make it easy for them and their family to come along and join the happy fun. Even down to your own personal parking space!


Hope you and Tootie have a great time.



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Inclusion not only enables children with special needs to realize they are part of the mainstream, but it teaches the mainstream that special needs children should not be isolated and viewed as not worthy enough of contributing to the mainstream to be a part. Prior to inclusion replacing the ignorance that formerly governed most educational settings when it came to special needs children, children with special needs were almost cast aside.


The fact that Taylor is growing up in an age when that ignorance no longer in education enables her to see the many ways that she is just like all the other children around her while giving the others the opportunity to get to know and appreciate the beautiful, sweet, and loving little girl she is.


Glad you and Tootie are enjoying this as well as the goldfish and juice.


Maria :mwah:

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It warmed my heart to read that the special needs children were NOT being isolated from the other children. Kudos to the church officials for the way they are running the program.


Hope you and lil Miss Tootie continue to enjoy VBS. :friends:

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hey Elondie:


I am so happy for you & Tootie. I know finding these jewels that exist in the town is not an easy feat. & I applaud you & Tootie's parents for being great advocate for Tootie. I know with that loving family support Tootie will do great.




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7.23: Today we made a boomerang that said; it all comes back to Jesus. Since Jesus fed the hungry, we made a plate of food which consisted of fish and bread.


7.24: Today we made a memory book; the first page was a color picture of Tootie; the remaining pages were of her classmates; they were in black and white. Each picture was framed with a boomerang.


Pictures in the gallery :D

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