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Getting stronger?



I think I'm getting stronger. By "running" for 30 minutes, 3 times a week, I feel strength building in my ankle and leg in general.


Then comes moving day. My leg threatens to give out several times (once at the top of the stairs while holding a heavy box - yikes!). Walking up to the 3rd floor apartment and down with boxes, bags, and miscellaneous things and driving to the new house and walking up a flight of stairs to put boxes, bags, and various things in the office, extra bedrooms, and our bedroom only to trudge back down the stairs to carry more wore me out beyond explanation. I think I am S-L-O-W-L-Y building stamina, but jeez, I would like more and faster please! When I get worn down, I have more slow or false starts. It takes longer to think about and then take that first step on the stairs, whether going up or down. There is something so lonely about being a stroker - when you're the only person who has to think carefully about how to navigate across a room, well, there's a sense of solitude to the whole thing.


So, in the end, I *do* think I am getting stronger, but is sure as heck is slow. ~readjusting expectations...AGAIN~


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Asha has a great point about the old you having died and the new you coming into being and how you can't compare the two . . . but I know how it is to be a perfectionist and impatient with myself, though I try to keep in mind that you can only work with what you've got - for strokers and non-strokers alike. And though it doesn't compare, I used to be in great shape in my 20s and early 30s when I'd exercise every day but now it takes forever and missing a day or two sets me back.


I guess the "stages of grief" apply here to the loss of the old you, with your goal being to arrive at acceptance of the "death" of the old you. But, like Asha said, focus on looking for the positives of the new you. Are there things you are grateful for, for having survived an experience like this?


You're not alone though - there are many who understand what you're going through, who are going through something similar, and for those of us who haven't had this particular experience, we still share the common bonds of perfectionism, frustration, grief, loss, etc. - and feel for you as well. :friends:

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Hi Sherry,


You might have been slower getting those boxes from point A to point B but you DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's what counts. The job got done. Now you get to unpack all of it.

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dstraugh - thanks! The unpacking will be slow and deliberate. The kitchen is in the middle of a remodel.


fking - I don't have a limp any longer but I do get tired when I run (building stamina!).

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hi just surviver, i am very happy that you are getting stronger every day good on youjust a survfiver and always keep up the good woprk i am hoping to here that your recovery is fast and complete keep up the good work

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hi fred, when i walk i don"t have munch of a limp but i try to iluminate as munch as i can, so i do have to think about it but i cannot runi am still working on that fredi will definetly give it the old copllege try and keep you posted of my results once i start to runthank you fred

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