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August Already



Wow I can't belive August is here.. It seems like I was starting plants in the garden window such a short time ago. We are getting veggies from the garden now. and of course the weeds are growing like Weeds.. John also planted 9 blueberry bushes.. no fruit this year... but hopefully next summer. We want to put in some other berry bushes and grapes. We have quite a few apple trees, a couple pears and 2 cherry trees.


We put a flower bed in, it looks nice.. and I am happy to see so many bees.. a couple years ago the bee population was down due to some kind of mite. We have had quite a group of humming birds this year also. One little guy found his way into the house.. he landed in my garden window.. he landed on the edge of the window.. I got the other one open.. caught him.. and out the window.. like picking up a little cotton ball.. and I definately didn't want the cats to see him.


Well the Seattle area as been breaking temperature records, for hottest temps day and night. and longest days without rain. I'm glad the 90's stayed only a few days at a time... Today.. is below average. it is 59* LOL...


My grandson was 16 in April. My daughter & grandson moved to Eastern Washington ( about 4 hours East of me) 2 years ago. I really miss them, but they are happy there. Bill is doing well in school and in football. He drove over last Tuesday.. of course "mom" and I were a nervous wreck.. he left here Saturday afternoon. He did fine on the drive..

Bill and his friend are starting a Youth Group with his church. So he wanted to be home Saturday.


We had a GREAT visit, he did some work on the property for grandpa, he went to visit some of his friends from when he lived here , we did some school clothes shopping and lunch out. Bill is 6'5 or 6" I think his growing is finally slowing down.. and his shoe size ... size 17 has been the same for a year. We even managed to find him a pair of shoes and slippers :) on our shopping expedition.


I will drive over to visit them.. but will probably wait a few weeks until it cools off. they hit triple digits over there. Although it is not as humid as here.


I am so Happy for the time .... we have together..


well since it's cooler today.. catching up on some cleaning .






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you are busybee lady. your grandson is 16 now wow time fkys by so quickly I remember you being sad about them moving farther. but glad moving has been benefacial to Bill. I am nervous wreck thinking my son will drive soon too.




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I'm so glad you had a terrific visit with Bill. Your lil grandson is growing up - especially 6'5" or 6'6"


Glad you got the hummingbird out of harm's way.

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What fun! Gardening is therapeutic. The food is so special from your own garden, trees and bushes. What a large lad you have.


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Bonnie, Great golly girl do you live on a farm? Fruit trees, blueberry plants will produce fruit on second year wood. You had perfect

weather for a bountiful harvest. Wow shoe size 17 I didn't know shoes go that far. That's a big boy.

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