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3 Month Study Follow-up



Has it really been three months since I completed the USC (University of South Carolina) IMT (Intensive Mobility Training) study?


It really has. Looking back, I've done a lot since the study - I now "run" on a regular basis, we moved (although my father-in-law helped with the heavy stuff), & I feel better about my walking and stair climbing.


I worked four 10-hour days so that I could have the Friday to drive to Columbia, SC to complete the follow-up portion of the study. The measurements were the same as the baseline, pretest, and posttest &, although it was my intention, I didn't practice the parts that I felt I needed practice on (you know what they say about good intentions!).


On the drive there (6.5 hours there + 2 hours for the study + 6.5 hours back = a long day!), I was chatting with my dad who broke his wrist a year ago. He was lamenting his loss of movement and actually said to me "I sure hope you kids don't have major medical issues." I was without words. He compared a broken wrist to a stroke (or forgot completely that I had one? I don't know, I didn't further the discussion, I was too speechless). Good thing that I love him and understood where he was coming from, otherwise I may have given him the whatfor! Eh, like most people (myself included), he just didn't think about (1) what he was saying and (2) who he was saying it to.


Anyway, we get there in time to have a lovely lunch before the follow-up. When we got to the lab, I didn't get to see my favorite PTs, but I saw a few friendly faces. I felt pretty darn good about my follow-up capabilities (I have the record distance of the 6 minute walk! Woo hoo!!) and the researcher complimented me on a few things that I had begun to notice but hadn't been able to articulate just yet. He said that my strategic planning of gait is really good. I think that, more than anything, the improvement is due to an increase in confidence in my ability to do something. Instead of analyzing a task to determine if I would be able to do it, I am more likely now to try it first rather than analyze it to death. He also said that he may use my youtube video of my "running" as an example of what can be accomplished with intensive therapy.


I truly recommend the study - they have ongoing studies at USC for stroke survivors & this is just one I happened to hear about. Totally worth it.


Recommended Comments

Hey Sherri!


I'm glad to hear how great you're doing!! That's very cool about them using you as the example of what someone can accomplish - as their inspiration for people! That's so awesome!! Congrats on your accomplishments!! :Cheers:


Your Dad's comment made me laugh though - did he not catch himself after he said that? I can see how he could forget momentarily - because you look and act so healthy, no one would ever know unless you told them - but he knew - lol! Parents! What can you do? :rolleyes:



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