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what's your last song?



I went to the funeral today, it was a lovely day, clear blue sky and the sun had some warmth in it. There were crowds of people at the church and most went on to the internment afterwards. So between the church and the crematorium, about a twenty minute drive, I had a chance to think about life and death and many other things.


At the end of our funeral services, however strict and formalized they may be, we have a song, chosen by the family, to fit the style of the person whose funeral it is. This is known, naturally, as the "last song". Now most do not have religious connatations although the person may chose something old and familiar like "Amazing Grace" for instance or "Abide with me". But I have been to funerals where the young person has chosen something manic and noisy and very heavy metal by a group I have never heard of but the song still reflects some aspect of that person's peronality. Most churches just ask that it doesn't contain profanity or have an "X" rating.


Today's funeral had a country and western song "Leave him at the long yard" a song about a horse past riding who is to receive an honorable retirement and I think that was appropriate. I can never hear the song "Tears in heaven" without thinking of a friend of our boys who died young and I have other songs I think of in association with the person at who's funeral it has been played. So when I listen to a music program on the radio it can stir up all sorts of memories.


So I started to think of songs for people I know, what I would have chosen for them if their funeral had been today. "You are my sunshine" was one of Mum's favourite songs but I wonder if that represents who she is? I always sing "My little Margie" to her as her name is Marjorie. For Dad we did have a hymn, one of his favourites and I like hymns too. Dad had sung in many choirs in his lifetime and I know he always loved to sing with a swell in his voice at the funerals of his old friends.


Ray and I met at a dance. Ray was a good dancer and had at one time been a dancing instructor as well as a boxer so he had "the moves ". In those days the dances finished with old wartime songs like "Goodnight Ladies" or "Goodnight Irene" but then along came the song "The Last Waltz" so maybe that would be a good song for Ray.


Our last waltz was actually at our daughter's wedding in 1994. The first stroke Ray had in 1990 actually stopped him from being able to turn around in a circle without falling over so we worked on that and he learned to do a four point turn holding onto me and that is how we danced. He danced with his daughter first , she had tight hold of him, then I came along and he changed grips and we danced about a couple of minutes but he was struggling by then. So sad, he was a divine dancer.


I don't know what I want for me, my time isn't up yet ( I hope) and so there are so many favourite songs still to come. But for fun maybe one of those old music hall songs, like "Get me to the church on time" or "My old man said follow the van". Got to leave'em laughing.


So what is your last song going to be?




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Hi Sue,


I will share the words of the song I want at my celebration. I will be cremated.



Hymn Of Promise


In the bulb there is a flower; in the seed, an apple tree;

In cocoons, a hidden promise: butterflies will soon be free!

In the cold and snow of winter there

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