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I can remember what it was like to remember



I know this sounds funny, almost as if it was a joke, but its not. This is my life. I was sitting the other day just thinking about how great it was when I could


remember things. Since my stroke, I lose my phone daily among other things and I miss being able to back track my mind and retrace my steps. Most people


can close their eyes, and retrace exactly what they have done in the last hour or so. Unfortuantely, I cant do this. The only way I can hope to find my lost phone


is to run around like a chicken with my head cut off and look for it. It sucks. What I dont understand is why can I not remember what I did last night but I can


remember things that happened years ago? It is so bizarre. I cant remember short term things but I can remember what it was like to remember. If that makes


sense. I wish I couldnt, maybe I wouldnt miss my old brain as much if i couldnt remember how things use to be. Sometimes it is just hard...


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Guest lwisman


Short term memory and long term memory are completely different. I also have no problem remembering long term, but short term is another matter. I have noticed over the years that this is a problem for lots and lots of older folk -- like my grandmother, my mother and my sister.


My short term memory has improved over the years, but I do work at it. Keep doing all you can to keep your mind active, write notes, try to keep things where they belong, and don't sweat it when you can remember. It happens. Don't beat yourself up. Just keep on goin'. :D

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Short term is a bummer, but I have been using the method I us is "everything has a place" and keep repeating. example: My cell phone was always getting lost so I now plug it in to recharge and when it is not on the recharger it's hanging on me. Yes, it takes work

but have fun and try one thing like your cell phone and keep up the same routine. After a month add another thing, and keep going by years end your short term memory will improve. Activating those short circuit connections to produce new connections. It's a wonderful process.

My husband had a stroke in 2007 and could not remember numbers1-10 so he starting playing solitary on line. WOW what an improvement. I just takes a little willingness to work at it.

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hi mandy:


welcome to wonderful world of blogging. I think having place for everything & putting at the right place to begin with does shave off lot of running around like chicken. I aso have to do the same thing for my phone car keys & everything around the house to create clutter free house.




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Amanda: It sure sounds familiar to me. I often have to call my cell phone from my home phone to find it in the house (that is if I turned it on and didn't have the ringer off!). Yes, having the same place for things is a must for me now-a-days. It is so frustrating too not remember something that just happened or that was recently said. After research I learned that the long-term memory is stored in the celebral cortex (outer layer) while the short-term is in the ??? (can't remember name) but it is closer to the brain stem. So that made sense to me. That is also why Alzheimer's or any form of dementia affects short-term much more than long-term. Sounds like you are dealing with another layer of acceptance. I know, I know, they just keep on coming. I chose to believe we are okay just as we are and we can only do the best we can which often does not meet our expectations. You are doing good, Mandy, and we all love you. Hugs, Leah

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I do what Leah does call my cell phone.. If I dont hear it I call the last few places I was at until I find it. The day my little 2 year old grandaughter was born I lost my cell phone and that proved very costly as we never did find it back. I cant manage to hang on to much. If its in my possesion it is vulnerable to loss. Karen

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I lose everything now. I have to put my keys, etc in the same spot all the time now. my long term memory is fine mostly but short term is stuffed but I'm working on it now

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That's an interesting way to put it. My husband will be home from snf soon. He can tell me how to change the furnace filter but he can't remember what he had for lunch 30 minute earlier. I've wondered if he remembers what it's like to remember.

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