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Anal Glands



My two male cats who are brother/litter mates both occasionally suffer from impacted anal glands that need to be squeezed by the vet every so often.

The way I know it's time is that one of the boys will start dragging their 'heinne' across the carpet in an effort to itch his anus. Sometimes their heinne isn't clean and a stripe appears on the carpet. EWWWW.

So today, I and my son took the boys to see the vet. Both growled and hissed on the car ride to the vet... I can only imagine what they were saying to each other..."It's your fault we are going to the vet"

The vet puts his gloves on and then applies a lubricant to his index finger and then squeezes the two glands. Wow, does that stink!!!!!!!! yikes.gif The vet then spays some sort of deodorizer on the hind end. and zip the cat goes back into his carrying box. The drive home is accompianed by hisses and growls. Again they are blaming the other guy for this indignity. And once we're home they both disappear to sulk. I'm sure they'll eventually 'forgive' me for this day.

The male cat I had before these two never had this problem...I asked the vet..he said it doesn't affect all male cats. There's nothing I can do to help prevent this...just be aware and ready to take the boys to the vet @ $30.00 for the two of them.



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roflmao.gifroflmao.gif janice,


lol isn't sufficient for this blog. LAUGH OUT LOUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i'm still lauging. MERCIFULLY my male cat nacho hasn't had this problem, at least not yet. gimme a minute i'm looking for some wood to knock on lol. giggle.gif



HOWEVER, all five of my cats occassionally rob their butts on my carpet and it GROSSES ME OUT. the vet says they have no medical reason for doing it. they scoot around like little wind up toys. eeewwwwwwwwww

have any of your cats ever eaten christmas tinsil? yikes.gif


if so, you know that is another blog in itself involving a cat's ass, "dirty" tinsil, and rubber gloves!!!! eeeeewwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!




thanks for the laugh at the end of a rotten day


kim roflmao.gif

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YOU WOULDN'T BELIEVE MY CHRISTMAS TREE IF I TOLD YOU...it's actually a branch that has garland wrapped around it and fastened onto a board to stand it up. My house is very tiny. So tinsel isn't used here, but I can imagine the glittering problem that would present. smile.gif


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By the way, my cats weren't laughing. Just recently they've come out of hiding and rubbed up against my leg for attention.

I'll have to blog about my niece's longhair white male cat, YODA. His story is kinda a Lassie story.


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