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Good Bye Summer!



Even though the temperature still says summer, rising to the low to mid 90's most days, it feels as though fall is right around the corner.I'm not sure where summer went, but it felt like it came to a screeching halt right after our vacation.


Bill was approved for a power chair at the end of July. I would guess it will arrive within the next few weeks. That is going to be exciting. A new challenge will sure be good for both of us. He is bored and I think a little depressed.


He' sleeping a lot again. I think it is because I'm really putting the skids on his smoking. I remember in times past that is how he controlled the smoking before. If that is what he needs to do I guess that's what he needs to do. His cough is so bad that I can hardly stand it. He takes that first drag and just heaves. Then he looks at me as if he wants me to do something. I knew the first time I agreed to let him smoke a cigarette again what I would be in for. It just seemed like it would be ok for him to smoke a few cigarettes a day. But ... he is an addict, how could I have thought it would be ok? I'd never give him just one glass of wine!



I'm planning a get together of North Carolina survivors and caregivers. I've finally decided to make it the end of September. That is a beautiful time of year here. The trees haven't yet turned color but it does feel like fall. We have a great club house here at the Ranch, so I think we'll have a great time. It's also a barrier-free facility so that will remove those dastardly issues! I'm looking forward to putting faces and names together and the response has been terrific.


I was so shocked by Pam's death. Pam was such a sweetheart. She was so sensitive. She was funny when you got to know her. I sure hope she got to enjoy some corn on the cob this summer...She was also very bright. She could see through a lot of "junk" too. Yes, she had her share of emotional issues - and who of us doesn't? The one thing about Pam though, she really, really never wanted to hurt anyone. I'll miss her. I'm so glad the hurts of the past have been washed away.


OK...so it's time to jump in the shower now. Maybe we will get out to do something today. It's headed for mid 90's again and that sure doesn't sound like much fun!


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Yes, summer is coming to an end. When I have to get up during the night and turn off my window fan as I'm shivering, I know it's coming - and that's a low of 60 degrees LOL. Guess to some extent, my body is hanging onto the AZ climates I endured for 13 years.


How cool that Bill is getting a power chair. Hope he adjusts well to it. Instead of smoking, he can go cruising the neighborhood maybe as long as he doesn't try to bum smokes from someone. I'm working at giving up the darn things. If I even smell cigs, I want one. I was bumming one off my nephew yesterday - my kid busted me and told him "Don't do it" - he then tried to tell me he was smoking his last one - yeah right LOL. After he left, I was conned to go to the store and get kitty litter by being told that if I went she'd pay for a pack of smokes. When it's convenient, it's ok for Mom to smoke. I got to cruise in my chair at least :)


Your get together sounds like great fun.


Our dear Pam touched many of us and will remain in our hearts. Stroke is definitely not fair!!!

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Well for summer here in central Texas we still got 100's almost daily. About 55 day or so.


I'm glad Bill got approved for his chair, life will be a bit better for him and you Ann! I signed The guess book for Pam today. I hear the President is lighting up more than he claims.


Let me know when the chair comes? If I can make the get-together you are planning I will ride around the neighborhood with him if he is so inclined. If not we can sit and chat.


I'm hoping the clinic in USC, if I'm approved, will be around the same time frame so I can make both! Have you tried using any of that stuff on the market claiming to stop smoking? Some of it is bound to work or they are false advertising to the public!


That would be an outstanding outing for me and staying at the guess quarters at Ft Bragg, NC or my son's house and the guess quarters at Ft Jackson, SC would bring back many memories of my Army times as a younger man. My wife say no, I say go! My money, my car, my scooter!

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:Good-Post: :Good-Post: :D Hi Ann,

Yes fall is just around the conner. I'll be gald when it does. I'll be attending the meeting your planning. :

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I agree with your comments regarding summer. For us in Ohio, it was a lackluster summer in terms of hot weather & swimming. Maybe next year...


I know Pam communicated with you about some of her SN issues. I am glad you were a friend to her...this she told me.


Your function for stroke survivors & caregivers sounds like a wonderful day.



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Dea Ann,

I am so glad to hear about Bill's power scooter. IT sounds like it was time. I hope that this will bring him our of his slump. The summer get together


sounds like fun, too. Please keep us informed of the arrival of the scooter and the gettogether.


Take care.



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hi Ann:


summer is alomost over school will start in 12 days. don't know where the summer went. though I had wonderful & relaxing summer. I too miss Pam & her wacky sense of humor.




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