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Way too much Lemonade



Whoa! The last weeks have been lemons and trying to ever be the positive thinker I have lemonade by the rivers full!! Bill is having increased issues with his Post Polio and it was recommended by the VA that he seek Disability though Soc Security. He has rapid deteroation at the spine due to the Polio when he was a child.


Of course this would run tandem to a bumper ...crop of lemons of my own. IE The toohache is still not resolved as they do not want the risk of surgery and that is what it will require. Now for the coupe de gras..... after chat this after noon I went to get a cool drink from the fridge. We had a tile break when I dropped a bowl on the floor the other day. So I quess we knew a new delivery of lemons would be forth coming. However I was not factoring cutting my foot open on the bottom on that chipped tile. Six stitches later and a scare like you would not believe as I slipped and fell in my own blood . I had so much blood so fast it really kind of scared me. I was hollering for my neighbor and Thank heavens he heard me and came a running. He got me up off the floor and wrapped my foot with a compress. I guess coumadin really adds to the excitement with a bad cut alright. I hope I have harvested the last of the lemons for the year I am getting tired of lemonade. Karen


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Whew! What a day! I haven't experienced any cuts with my blood thinner but the worry is there. Please take care of yourself. Things need to improve (especially with that tooth). Take care, Karen.

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Wow Karen, you have enough worries for sure. Sorry you are going through all you are. Get the dentist to make a decision on the tooth as soon as possible.


Ray had a fall years ago into a friend's rockery and the docs took three days to stop the bleeding. Those blood thinners really do the job.


Glad your neighbour was there to rescue you. Take good care of the foot you don't want it to get infected. I'll send over a huge roll of cotton wool to wrap yourself in so nothing else happens to you...lol.


(((Hugs))) from Sue.

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hey Karen:


wow you have been busy making lemonades for few days. I think it's now time to chill on sofa & drink that lemonade. I pray for better calming days ahead.



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You've definitely made your fair share of lemonade of late. As sweet as you are and with your sense of humor - it's naturally sweetened so healthy for those diabetic. Hope you can stop making it; if you bottle it up and decide to sell. let me know.


Take care of your new owie - maybe that happened to help you forget about the tooth.


Hang in there.

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Yeah Sue I need the cotton wool. I shall build a cocoon with it. HA HA and this has not even quite bleeding even with the stitches not yet anyway. This tooth situation is maddening I never in my life But as you say Donna one must not loose their sense of humor. I assure you I will not. I am at total peace.... the Lord brought me to it and will see me through it And we all know lemonade is sweet!!!! So is life!! Love Karen

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Karen, Yep those blood thinners, I'm always nicking my self so I know what your talking about. I'm concerned about your health and your

dentist should be also. Maybe you should lay off the lemonade, give your teeth a rest.jeanniebean

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