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Who Knew?

Wesley H.


Rising from bed at 4:00AM on this date one year ago, I was oblivious to events that would occur before the sun would set that evening. It was a typical Friday morning and I was anxious to finish the workweek and begin the weekend. All of the yard work had been done during week leaving my weekend free for logging miles on my bicycle. There was no clue; no hint that there was time bomb ticking inside me that was set to detonate in just about 7 hours, putting me in the Intensive Care Unit of the hospital and changing my life forever!


But at 11:05 AM that morning, I collided head-on with my fate. Stoke entered my life as quickly as a rat on a Cheeto


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happy one-year anniversary, friend!

i very much appreciated and identified with this entry, with the experience of the stroke itself, with the post-stroke realizations of living and mortality (not bad per se, but different than pre-stroke), and especially with the acceptance of a new life, the thankfulness for having survived, and the recognition of life being a precious gift each day.


please consider this a cyber handshake of congratulations!


you may be hard-headed as you say, (me, i'm just bull-headed....havent gotten to hard-headed yet...LOL),

but please also give yourself credit for all of the hard work you have put into this past year.


very happy for you!



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Well written and yes, it is better to look at all the positives and not wallow in the negatives. It is good that you have recovered most of what you lost to stroke. Sometimes, stubbornness is a good thing.



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I know I called you and wished you a "Happy Birthday" as we, along with you remember this day one year ago! We have all been so blessed as we have watched or been kept abreast of your progress! As I told you earlier, I have prayed for you at least once every day and won't stop yet! :) :) :) Your attitude has been great from the beginning and I am so proud of you and very thankful for you too! You're a real trooper!

I love you!


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Thank you for your blog. Sentiments that many share. Congratulations on living your life and going through all of the stages of recovery.




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Here's to moving on to the second year of stroke survivorship. I have really enjoyed your blogs and sharing with you your journey. I think you will find life getting even easier as you move into the second year. For me, it was just so important to move beyond the first stroke anniversary. It was almost as though I had "graduated."



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Happy first anniversary. you have had great attitude towards your post stroke journey from start. It took me lot longer to reach the peace you are feeling right now. you rock. I am glad to know you & your family.




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