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Sorry for being AWOL

Aussie Ken


but i have no excuses, i've pooped in a couple of times but nothing to report. Generally i'm well but get very down and bored with myself. At times feel like giving up but i've still got a lot to achieve and life to live.

This months starts another month of being poked and proded by my doctors.

I'm really loving my hydro therapy sessions because i can do must of the exercises myself, then fortnighty i've been doing a session on the treadmill and increasing my times each week.

I know a lot of my troubles is mind over matter and i won't take risks as i don't want to break any bones.


well thats my grizzel for now.


Does anybody know if there is any Stem Cell research to help over come Drop Foot. that is my main bug bear.


well must keep going have a wonderfull week


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hey Ken:


welcome back. have you looked into walkaid or bioness before looking into stem cell. also have you considered surgery. I know couple of people have done it & had positive results.




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Hi it looks like Walkaide has not reached Australia as yet plus being on a limited budget i doubt if we could afford it. sso will just keep on keeping on and hope something will come be found to fix this problem.

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dear ken,

i know very well the feeling, like you said it's not time to give up, many things left to be done, right-on ken. i do agree very much with you that it's mind over matter. i say to myself that the worse that can happen if i fall is that i would drop dead, well ken, we all are going to die anyway, so my attitude is lets die while trying, the rewards are too big, btw, my walking is coming along swimmingly, i do feel that eventually it will return after the muscles have been optimally primed. re cure, i am one of those waiting for the efficacy of stem cell theraphy, at the moment awaiting eagerly news of the RENEURON CLINICAL TRIAL. keep going ken, i am cheering for you from not far away MALAYSIA.


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