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Blessings abound



Being a stroke survivor has given me a different perspective on life than most other folks. I have often asked, "Lord, why spare me? Haven't you blessed me enough? God's Grace is impossible to understand. We as humans, get a glimpse of it when we look at our children, but never really understand it. I have spent countless hours angry I had a stroke, when I should have been grateful I was still alive and well as well as and for the insight it gave me into how blessed I have been. Throughout my life, I at times felt life had dealt me the impossible 2 card inside draw for a straight hand in a poker game, but so many times I actually drew those two cards. Grace, it's the only explanation I can give. So many times seems it should have fallen apart, but he was there to hold me up and push me on. I often forget we are to pray unceasingly, unselfishly, continuously, lovingly, for his will to be done. My faith teaches me, I will never be given more than I can handle and always be given more than I can possibly need. I am not alone in these feelings. Here, on this site, I have met some amazing people beset with what seem to me to be terrible crosses to bear, but yet they seem unfazed by it all, grateful to having survived. I am grateful for the unselfish love that has been shown me here, and will try to show it to others as time goes on. We must all pray for each other that our brothers and sisters are given what they need when they need it. May you be blessed with God's Grace now and always throughout your time on earth and beyond. For now I am off the :Soapbox:


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hey micheal:


once you get over why me & angry phase & realize that this is your hand in life & you have a choice in how to lead your life. after realizing this simple truth. choice was easy to make. life is worth fighting for & living for. bad things can happen to anyone. but I have faith that God will give me strength to get through all difficult time in my life.


bless you too.




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Michael, enjoyed your blog. I always believed and continue to believe, "why not me?" It has made my stroke recovery journey easier with no looking back (except maybe occasionally). My mode is "today."

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Yes, for many of us, our faith has helped us in our time of need to get through and prevail. That and the support and encouragement that oozes from every megabyte of this site proves that there is life after stroke and lets everyone know that they are not alone in their journey.

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