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update, improvements, disappointments including Bioness, Inc



hi all...i got myself into a zen state of mind over the summer now that i live 500 feet from the ocean and all the construction on my house is completed...all i wanted to do was gardening and lounge in the sun (what little there was) on my deck with my cat hOOver...several weeks ago i moved into a proactive mode and lucked out finding a trainer/pt guy on craig'slist...he's the jackpot!...i didn't think i'd ever find just the right person to work with in my new location but the gods have been kind indeed...in a few weeks we are seeing improvements that are nothing less than amazing!...in particular i was never able to effectively flex my knee while prone...my hamstrings were sooooo weak...now i can fairly easily get to just past 90 degrees!...supine i can now raise my affected arm albeit with a whole lot of initial shaking over my head and then lower it back to the table with control!...my finger extension is nonfunctional but who knows where this is all going...i'm 3 1/2 years out but seeing marked improvements...does anyone out there have any insight/experience like this to share??...i'd love to hear it!...my big day monday was to go to the beach: i carried my sand chair from my car myself, opened it, sat down and got up by myself (after a few practice moves)...mike was next to me but didn't assist...no enabler he!...i felt like a million bucks knowing that i could do this on my own...we walked down to the water just to get my feet wet...ahhhhhhh salt water never felt so good...i've bumped up my sessions to 3x's/week...my god at 55 i'm getting toned abs again!...sheesh!...my affected knee has a tendency to drift medially during squats but i work hard to maintain more laterality which takes a lot of effort and concentration...i actually enjoy doing the cobra moves while prone as this strengthens my low back and helps maintain proper posture...i'm praying that all the actions i've taken are having a cumulative tho somewhat delayed result...??...can't say but i'm grateful to be using my body in these ways for today!


next i've got ranting to do about Bioness, Inc the makers of the L300 stim orthosis which can be effective in helping drop foot by stimulating the tibialis anterior muscle when the affected leg is advanced...for this piece of equipment i tossed them $6,000 in full no insurance reimbursement of any kind then proceeded to purchase the H200 system which basically does the same thing for the affected hand: it stims the fingers and thumb into extension as well as various other modes of exercise...$6,200 for this diddy on a payment plan this time...with the combination of the economic crisis and my move i needed to ask them to refi the last $500...yes that a whopping $500...i asked to pay $100/month for 5 months to complete my payments in full...they rudely refused to grant this arrangement despite my perfect payment history with their company in addition to having a fico credit score of 800+...the real kick in the pants for me was that they cancelled an $8 order for a minor part i needed to use my L300 with a new pair of sandals until i agreed to their payment terms of two successive monthly payments of $250 each...just when i thought it couldn't get worse, phone calls to their tech department have gone unanswered since june in relation to a malfunction which they were already aware of with my L300...so i agreed to their payment terms tho it caused me unwarranted hardship...they got it their way now i'll get it my way in continuing my crusade to get companies and service providers to treat stroke survivors with consideration and respect...the same consideration and respect any company would treat a client that just spent $12,200 for their products

...i have come to believe that as a stroke survivor providers of care as well as suppliers just do not extend the same degree of consideration that they would normally extend to others...even merely as a good business practice never mind the ethical implications...i for one am not taking this poor treatment silently...i caution anyone entering into a costly financial arrangement with Bioness, Inc to factor in my ongoing experience with them...not a dollar is insurance reimburseable under any plan including medicare...i will continue to blog about this until my phone calls are returned and the problem with my unit is corrected...Bioness deserves at least that much!

best to all, stem cell acupuncture richxxx


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Wow! I love that you are seeing marked improvement after 3 1/2 years with much training. Please keep us posted.


Ugh! Bioness doesn't sound too consumer friendly. I am glad you are addressing this.



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hey stessie...yeah i mean if someone that knows me sees me walk down the block i doubt they'd comment but i see the improvements i stated and they are as real as real can get...i try to generate gratitude for any noticeable improvements and share about them here to rally the troops...we know that the brain has neuroplasticity and responds to repeated demands... maybe i've been more demanding??...i sure don't have the answers...so much still feels like banging around in the dark i just keep banging!...if you've read any of my past blogs, i also keep up with reporting on therapies that cost peeps like us literally thousands of dollars...we all need to network our positive and negative experiences in this area...my income generating days are over, or at the least significantly shortened...Bioness, Inc is an israeli owned company that has behaved similarly to the israeli government at times: doing exactly what it wants often in a distinct narsissitic fashion...ugh is right...Bioness needs a little poke that at least one of their customers doesn't care for that type of treatment and is very willing to blog about it to a base of people who might use their costly products...bye for now... :lol:

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I appreciate your post. Yes we need to share our experiences with companies and different therapies. I will be very hesitant to deal with Bioness. Please keep on their case. They are to be watched.

Congratulations on your recovery. Yes the brain is plastic. YOu are living proof. thinks gets regenerated.

Keep enjoying your ocean and house.


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hi cg ruth...great to read your post...yup we can all be resources for one another...who better??...my best to you and yours, rich

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Hi Rich , good to see you back again. Glad your house and move are completed and you are enjoying the beach. I know there was a newbie CG on the board, her husband is asking focused on stem cell therapy.


I will have to go look for her post you may have some great advice and information for her with your experiences.


I am glad to see you back.. and happy for your improvements. My husband commented that my walking & gait are still improving.. I am 6 + yrs post stroke. I did some gardening this year.. maybe the fresh air and exercises. I know this will be the last garden I do.. in the ground.. Raised beds only. The Weeds are still faster than I am.


Cheers, Bonnie

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hey bonnie!...i hear you regarding the weeds being faster...lol...next year my contractor is making me raised beds in the back of my property...please put that newbie in touch with me...sct anywhere usually runs in the tens of thousands...i'd love to share my experiences of course!...this weekend is suuny and warm enough to have a lunch tomorrow with visiting friends from the city right on the boardwalk/beach...woo hoo...thanks for sharing about your improvements...mine really took me by surprise frankly... anyone else want to share??


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Hi Rich,


Sorry to hear you're having such as rough time with Bioness. I'm on extensive OT and PT right now following my first botox injections that thankfully are covered by medicare - so far anyway. I just completed my 4th week of therapy and at 4 1/2 years post seeing improvements I thought I'd never see. My affected leg is stronger and I'm beginning to get some functional usage out of the hand. I've even graduated from the hemi-walker to a single point cane.


Keep up the great work.

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Tell me if you really think that the bioness L300 is working well for you. My husband had his stroke 12-13-08. He is still in a wheelchair. We went to and had an evaluation for the bioness. He is a candidate for the bioness. But, of course $6,000.00 and then $200.00 every 3 months for the pads. Does it cost about $200.00 every 3 months.??? Is it worth the money? We were thinking of purchasing one for him. But, I am wondering if maybe we should keep trying with afo. We do hydrotherapy every day.

Thanks for you input.


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Hi Rich,


Sorry to hear you're having such as rough time with Bioness. I'm on extensive OT and PT right now following my first botox injections that thankfully are covered by medicare - so far anyway. I just completed my 4th week of therapy and at 4 1/2 years post seeing improvements I thought I'd never see. My affected leg is stronger and I'm beginning to get some functional usage out of the hand. I've even graduated from the hemi-walker to a single point cane.


Keep up the great work.


yeah Bioness policy rubbed me the wrong way for several different reasons...thanks for sharing about your program/improvements!...i'll throw a beach party when i start to see some functional usage from my affected hand!...congrats on bye byes to the hemi!...best, rich

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hey Rich:


happy to see your blog. I know you were busy in move & enjoying that beach, when is housewarming party I guess from strokenet I am the only member who can actually attend your party. I am still working on hubby to buy us ocean facing property in NJ. I hope you can convince him. your blogs are very informative. thanks for shedding light on all these experimental therapies. you are my consumer report guide.




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hi asha...well friend now is the time to buy...prices are still sloping downward even here on the coastal areas...no one yet knows what the new normal is going to be...if you like monmouth county, i have just the realtor for you...i've known her for years...but please visit me...it would be great to meet you...i'll throw a hw party just for you and your husband!...or at least a bbq...where are you in the jardin state??...best, rich

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hi rich, good to see you back blogging with all thats been going on with you. i bet you really are enjoying the beach and the house, sorry to hear about another issue you are having to deal with in your recovery process. walkaide makes pretty much the same thing as bioness does and cheaper i've been told. keep up the great job you are doing in your recovery journey. you have gotten further than most due to your persistence and hard work woohoo

keep us updated on your improvements. kimmie

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hi kimmee...hmmm...i'll check out walkaide...yeah bioness is way pricey and was shockingly unethical when it comes to the allmighty dollar or whatever currency they use in israel...yeech...best always, r

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