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a grandmother again



hello everyone, i got good news this morning, i am a new grammie. the baby was born this morning and mother and baby are doing well. the baby retained some fluid in his lungs so they are addressing that issue right now by placing a tube in his lungs. seems he is following in his big brothers footsteps with the lung issue. there is no infection. he weighed 6.7lbs and has alot of hair. he was going to be delivered on friday anyway he would have been 36 weeks that day. the mother tiffany's water broke today and a blood clot was found so the dr thought it best to take him today. if you will remember tiffany has had alot of problems carrying them. she also had a hysterectomy today, so no more babies. her body just can't do it again. i'm not sure of his name, but my son did mention evan when he called me, but this could change of coarse. they are to excited right now to worry about a name i guess. they were both exhausted when i spoke to my son, i'll learn more tomorrow i'm sure.

now my other news but really its no news, little gypsy appears to maybe be pregnant, but not confirmed by the vet. they couldn't be certain without doing an ultrasound but i could'nt afford that right now. they did an xray also inconclusive also. she acts pregnant, big appetite, nipples growing and has gained a few lbs. it could be a false pregnancy too. i guess dawson maybe got to her when her diaper was off, (you think) duh. she hasn't started nesting though which will be the definite clue. if so, i will be a grammie again,LOL dr said she was healthy and the sweetest dog for being part chihuahua, that he'd ever seen, awwww my little gypsy is a sweetie and full of love and kisses. i'm sure she will make a great mother if she is pregnant . but if not pregnant we are doing to spay her so i won't have this worry again. my nerves can't handle it again,LOL between tiffany and gypsy. i have been stressed to much. well thats about all my news tonight, i think i'll head to bed now. i wish everyone a good week ahead with blessings and good things kimmie


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Kimmie a BIG CONGRATULATIONS to you. A Grammy again, so good!!!! Just the kind of good news us fellow granmas love! So glad Tiffany and son are well and it all turned out almost as planned. A clever little fellow to choose his own birthday...lol. Wonder how I send virtual booties?



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Congratulations Grammie Kimmie on the birth of your brand new grandson!!! Glad to hear all is well. I hope little Evan doesn't develop an infection like his big brother did.


Hope Miss Gypsy is NOT pregnant fir your own sanity. You don't need any more added excitement.


Looking forward to pictures of Evan.

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Congrats Grammie Kimmie. Looking forward to seeing pictures of Evan with his proud big brother Jake. Is there another trip to TX in the cards? I hope so for your sake. And Gipsy... youll just have to wait and see. Very happy that new Mom and Dad are doing well.



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congratulations kimmie, on your new grandson it is a great reward for the great person that you are kimmie all the best, and i am so happy for you kimmie you will make a great grandmother, i have seen jake but what about evan ?i haven"t seen a picture yet boy that will keep you busy,

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