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As read your blog, on the radio, Frankie Laine was singing one of his best recordings, "I Believe" and I almost broke down. Your blog is so sad and yet the song speaks to our hearts. Are you turning your problems over to God? I always say I am doing it, but nothing changes until I REALLY let go and let God. I know that is a cliche, but I believe it with all my heart.


I am glad Spring is arriving down there. Autumn is arriving on Tuesday which means Winter is not far behind. It is supposed to get colder this week so I plan to get outside as much as I can today.


I will keep you and Ray in my prayers.



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You express your sentiments so well. It is really hard to juggle your life and the life of a caretaker. I am sure that the theology classes are so interesting. You will find a way to accomplish what you need to do.

Those down days come and go. You , have had so much experience in being a caretaker.

I wish that I lived close to you and could help you out. It would be so much fun for a few of us to live in the same neighborhood. But, alas, we are computer neighbors and have to give moral support via the internet. This is not a perfect world but Here is a helping hand and hug from me.


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Thanks Vi and Ruth. I have decided life is drab and I need more color in my life. I will get out some more cheerful curtains and furnishings and do a bit of a springclean. Light and bright colors tend to lift my mood. And a fresh look makes for a fresh start.


To tell you the truth sometimes I just don't know what to pray for. So I pray for a better life, strength and good health for Ray and strength, courage and good health for me. You know that you have to be careful what you pray for, you just might get it!



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Yes, we must be careful in what we pray for huh. Hope doing some spring cleaning and decorating helps your drab feelings. As you are getting ready for spring, we're winding down on our seasons - soon the gloomy weather will hit here. Each day though brings us one step closer to pleasant weather.

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I does sound like you have taken a page out of my life!! All those UTIs and stinky clothes and alas, ruined funiture. Somehow it does get better over time. I finally have Dick trained to sit on those blue underpads most of the time. I have turned most of his laundry over to the home health aide. And I buy lots of Fabreeze air fresheners.

I tried to take a course in genealogy last year with the same thoughts you have about your classes. I ended up having to quit because it was just an added responsibility and I didn't enjoy it as much as I had thought. Maybe things will change again and I will give it another shot. I took the heavy drapes down from the livingroom window last fall to have them cleaned. I liked the brightness of the room so well I never replaced them. I hope your spring colors do the same for you. Then of course I think it is always hardest at the end of winter when you desperately need spring. Spring does come though. I agree that one of the hardest things to deal with is not having the validation the one person we need it most from. I don't want thanks (though that would be nice!) but I want to feel that my husband still sees us as being on the same team.


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