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hey Leah:


I am sorry for all your setbacks. though I am glad you are okay & nothing major has happened. if you haven't please read Fred's blog. I too think for you there is now nowhere to go but up keep that in mind &you will see lot of positivity happening in your life. I remember that line helped me huge deal during my stroke hospital stay.


I can't wait to bump into you in chat soon.



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I, too, am sorry to learn of your setbacks. It seems sometimes we move forward one step and then backwards two steps.


I like your idea of listening to meditative music. It is something I haven't done but may try. Even though I grew up in the 60's and love the oldies music, I find great pleasure in listening to early Sinatra music. When I have an afternoon off (not baby sitting or volunteering), I light candles, turn on Sinatra music, sip a glass of wine, and read. I actually look forward to this "quiet" time especially on a dreary day.


Nine dental appointments...ouch. I hope you are able to get this resolved soon.


Nice to see you blogging as we enjoy keeping up with Leah.

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I am so sorry you are having such a difficult time. Falling is not fun whenever it happens, but to hit your head would be scary. And let's not even talk about dentists. I would be depressed, too.


I hope things start looking up for you real soon. You know your friends here are thinking of you.



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Sorry to hear about your setbacks.

This to will pass. You are a warrior. You are strong.

Thank you for sharing. Your sharing helps us all.

God Bless.


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awwww leah, bless your heart, you have endured alot lately between head and mouth! i do sympathize with you on the dental issue,TMJ, can be very painful and annoying. lets hope the dentists can you squared away on that problem asap. i am thankful you didn't suffer and severe head injuries though. as others have said, we go forward and sometimes backwards, but you will be back on track in no time. you always find your way back to your oldself again. please feel better soon, so you can join us in a chat, we will cheer you up.LOL we have missed you. keep us updated on how you are doing.

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