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I'm really back!



It has been very long since I entered a blog, so now is the time.


After 3+ years in a wheelchair or using a walker, I am now on my feet and operating fairly normally, if that is what you call it. My movement started coming back about 4 months ago, and though it was surprising, I feel it was truly from God. What a blessing. I still have a little bit of tendinitis from lack of use over the past several years, my CPS still flares up, a little spasticity in my affected hand and I have had a couple of weird seizures or TIA's since this movement has come back, but I'll really take that over the lack of movement. The most recent CT scans show no evidence of the previous stroke or anything abnormal.


I am now able to walk for many miles, though running is out of the question at the moment. I don't think I want to run anyway. Hard on my already damaged knees. I go swimming at my complex pool. I've tried bowling too, though I wound up spraining my hand as the result of trying. The hand is almost OK now. Since I was right handed, and that was my affected side, I am able to write and do things with that hand again.


With the new movement, I am able to get in a good exercise routine, along with getting physical therapy, and have been steadily losing weight. I am eating better as well, as a choice to get healthier. I have dropped almost 40 pounds in the past year, and 15 since I got my movement back. I really feel so much better with the extra weight off.


I also have a new lady friend, and she has been a great coach and cheerleader, keeping me on track, as I do with her and her weight loss and exercise routine.


To all my friends at StrokeNet, I just want to say to never give up. You never know if any deficits you have may be reversed at any time. Sometimes surprising things do happen.


God bless you all,




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Bob, thanks for the best news! Congratulations, on your weight loss, on your great attitude and on the "new you". Recovery is all about acceptance and takes a positive attitude plus some hard work of course...lol.


I wish you well in all you do. Glad you are back blogging again. Keep it up mate.



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Bob, what a powerful blog. I don't know you well so went back and read your previous blogs. I have no doubt you have put an incredible amount of work into your recovery and when you said "you are now able to walk for many miles," it made my heart ping.


As Sue said, thanks for the best news. Life is definitely moving forward for you. The weight loss, new lady friend, and etc. is welcome news.


Please don't stay away so long again....you are an inspiration to so many of us.


Stephanie (Stessie)

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Bob.... what wonderful news. God is so good and does answer prayers. I am so happy for you ....your recovery,new lady friend, the weight loss, and so much more. You are lifting everyones spirits and giving your testimony of HOPE and that there is life after stroke. Thank you for that. Please keep us informed on how things are going. You are a breath of fresh air. I am rooting for you. Enjoy life and may you have much happiness, peace and joy. Good health always.

Hugs and God Bless,


Believe in miracles and soar

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Bob, Fabulous news!. I am so happy for you. Thank you for sharing this news with us. THis gives me hope.

Congratultions on your new accomplishments. Walking. Just unbelievable.!! Yes, eat healthy. Losing weight...that is hard but you did it. I am happy that you have a new lady friend and that she is wonderful.


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Welcome back Bob, I think it was Stu that kept up posted on how you were coming along. God can do anything but fail, he is in your recovery big time. You were positive in attitude and he heard all our prayers...I'm pleased in your rebound and what you can now do. That's a blessing surely!


Take care and I'll see you around the message board soon.

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Wow You came with a "Bang" :congrats: on all the Wonderful News. I am So Very Happy For You.


Best Wishes.. and it is so exciting to hear you are walking..



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bob, what great news to hear from you. i am so happy for you. as i have said many times. WE CAN NEVER GIVE UP HOPE. you have proven that. i think the lady friend has helped you more than you know,LOL keep up eating well and exercising and working those muscles and keep us posted on how things are going for you. we have missed you. you have worked really hard if the prior stroke doesn't even show on the scan anymore. you go bob!!!!

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Congratulations dear friend on your recovery and your love life. WhooHoo for you!! Your story is very inspirational. I know it has given me an added umph to push ever onward with my recovery. Especially on those lazy days at home when I procrastinate in doing my exercises.


After you telling us in chat about your recovery, I was telling my PT; she was excited for you as well.



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And, I'm back a third time. I was with another stroke survivor this evening and telling her about your improvement. She was as thrilled for you as am I. I had to come back to say "thank you" for posting this blog....I've thought about it every day since first reading and just come back for inspiration.

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Thank you everybody for your kind comments. Again, my story is to never give up hope. Here I am typing with both hands, something I couldn't do 4 months ago, and typing roughly about as fast as I did before the stroke. Never, ever give up hope that recovery can come. I know that God healed me, and am confident that He can do the same with anybody else, whether it be stroke related or other ailments or disabilities. Yes, I worked hard in the past 3+ years to gain movement, keeping my affected limbs as limber as I possibly could, so there is something to say of perseverance too. Keep at your exercises and also keep the faith. Blessings to you all.

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