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simple day



Nothing really happened exciting today. Drank iced tea on the back patio watching the kids play. Read my online newspaper. Tomorrow should be fun, Not really. I have a dentist appointment. Only 1 small cavity to fill and she has to fix some work my old dentist did. When I got out of rehab, and went to the dentist my teeth were shot! I think I had 7+ cavities. He said that stress on your body shows in your teeth? I don't know. B/c of my heart I have to pre-med before any dental work with anti-biotics, I alway feel like I am trying to overdose on pills having to swallow 4 an hour before appointment.

Oh yes, my dog is getting better with her meds! Yeah! Happy chic now:)

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DON'T GET ME STARTED ON TEETH!!!!!!!! LOL those idiots gave me dilantin,( which was later found to be unnecessary) while they had me a prisoner in the hospital. it caused MAJOR peridontal problems. i have had a year of trying to correct the problem so i can keep my perfect teeth and have spent THOUSANDS in dental work, not to mention the pain and stress of the bone graft surgeries.


i hope your problems with your teeth are'nt that bad. and having a "nothing day" drinking tea and watching kids play sounds heavenly!!!!!




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