littleman5's Blog

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since my stroke at age 41 my life has been turned upside down i am now 56 an i went from a hard working man all day an coming home an working in the yard an garden until almost dark to a very disabled person i cant hardly walk in shoes anymore an i never go out unless its to my doctor or dentist then i have to have help walking in my bedroom shoes i have to have a shoulder to hold on to just to get to where im going but in my home i walk in my sock feet my stroke was on my left side an when i had it i didnt know what was happening i should have went on to the hospital then but i waited about a week before i went to see a doctor i guess i waited to long i have been to alot of doctors and therapy an i went to chapel hill, north carolina to get botox an i have a itp pump in my belly that dispursese meds. througout the day an night but nothing seems to help so i guess they gave up on me so now i just sit home mostly and its very hard for me to walk up or down hills but i know GOD has a reason for this i just dont know what it is but i do beleive that GOD can heal any thing or at the least make it alot better an i pray for that everyday an night as i pray for all you an i know one day he will heal me but one of my big problems is i smoke i have for forty years an i need to stop but its so hard after smoking for so long but i want to thank avery dear friend who is a member here for letting me know about this site she has helped me so much i could never repay her an please keep me in your prayers as i will all of you it gets so depressing at times but i have faith in GOD an that keeps me going i do hope we all will be healed one day soon an i think we will if we just beleive an i hope to make more friends on here i have made alot already but you can never have to many friends in your life so in closing i hope when you read this you will reply to me an i hope you have a great life ahead of you thanks again for your friendship an may GOD be with you everyday !


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hey Donnie:


welcome to wonderful world of blogging. you are at right place now. I know how lonely I felt in the begining years of my stroke. I stroked at 34. & Now I am 40. I personally found blogging very therupetic. Initially I used to blog every day. now I blog less frequent. we would like to know more about you. In the begining lot of us bloggers did 100 things about me to acquaint with others in our blogworld.


I am glad your friend convinced you to join this site. This site was Godsent for me & saved me from my dark hours.



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hi donnie and thankyou for telling us your story it helps us to get to know you better, i agree with vickie, you have a great prayer group here. i believe one day there will be no more stroke for anyone. with the medical advancements they have now. it is better than it used to be. i had my stroke at 48 and i was the primary breadwinner. it is a tough pill to swallow when our lives change in a flash like from a stroke. i was and still am a smoker, so i understand how you feel about quitting. i wish you lots of luck there if you are going to quit, cause it aint easy. i am glad vickie got you to join us. we all are in the same boat here trying to recover the best we can. we help and encourage each other. you will make alot of friends here for sure. NEVER GIVE UP HOPE DONNIE in your recovery. i walk with a cane and brace, like a penquin most of the time. but i get from point a to b. my arm/hand does'nt work yet bit i will never give up on it. i hope you find comfort and understanding here and keep blogging. you are in my thoughts and prayers. life does go on after a stroke. if you ever come to a chat, we would love to have you join in sometime. take care and be well
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thanks for your support an prayers jan an god bless you too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Welcome, Donnie.


Yes the more friends the better. This is a wonderful site to meet new friends. I have dearly enjoyed this place. My husband had a stroke 12-13-08. He is 65 and was retired. So, he is still retired but in a wheelchair. i do work fulltime and take care of him. with the help of caregivers.


Look forward to meeting you and getting to know you.



im sorry to her about your husband ruth but i look forward to getting to know you too an thanks for your comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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hey Donnie:


welcome to wonderful world of blogging. you are at right place now. I know how lonely I felt in the begining years of my stroke. I stroked at 34. & Now I am 40. I personally found blogging very therupetic. Initially I used to blog every day. now I blog less frequent. we would like to know more about you. In the begining lot of us bloggers did 100 things about me to acquaint with others in our blogworld.


I am glad your friend convinced you to join this site. This site was Godsent for me & saved me from my dark hours.




i am glad she did too asha i think it will be a godsend for me too an im looking foward to getting to know you all alot better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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i added you as a friend so pls. add me an is your name bruce an i tried sending you a email but it said, your box was full ok ?

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