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a "lovely" weekend



Some weekends are more like running a marathon than a relaxing time off. We had our grand daughter here from Friday afternoon. I was meant to mind her little brothers all day Friday but finished up only looking after them for a couple of hours late in the afternoon and when Tori came she wanted to stay so soft hearted Granma said:


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Glad you enjoyed your lovely day. You surely do have a multitude to be thankful for and are very wise to realize that includes the appreciation acquired through seeing from the other end of the spectrum.


We are thankful to have such a warm caring friend as you part of our family here.


Happy Thanksgiving.


Love,Maria :mwah:

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lately in your blogs I have seen shift of mindset. you have started flowing with life instead of resisting it & having grand time in it. I am so happy for you, you are having lovely day. I too realized after visiting India every 2 years, I am still truly blessed & still have so much to be thankful in my life. while making my list I realized my hubby & kido had slidedown in my long list to be thankful for.




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