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What does holidays mean post-stroke.



Holiday season has started. I had a circle of friends

That use to meet once a week to study. Carl was the

Facilitator. When Carl had his stroke we found out that

None of these people really were friends. We use to

Have potluck dinners every three months. Holidays we

Would have a get together. Carl has aphasia and he

Is hard to understand. But if you know the subject

You can understand him. But I guess no one wants

To be around someone like Carl.

They have all dropped out of site.

So holidays are not anything special. It


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Just remember you got ALL of us 24/7 and can post, chat, rant just about anytime day or night, weekends too. And you Got the good Lord above!

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Yes, we are here for one another 24/7. We had a quite Thanksgiving.

You really went all out and had Turkey and dressing that you cooked. We went to Luby's. THe line was so long...I decided to order out and eat at home. We had just got off work and William was started. An hour in line would not have been fun.

People are funny. You think that they are friends but the first time you really need them they are gone.


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Jeannie, we have found life moves on and you actually do make new friends as long as you stay connected. Ray and I still belong to a few clubs and organisations so we still do the rounds of Christmas parties etc. But some parties I decline if they are too late at night or in a venue that is awkward for Ray to get to.


We belong to a craft group so we went to the end-of-year party for that today. Nice Chinese lunch with 21 ladies and Ray!


(In Australia just about everything closes down from Christmas till the end of January!)


Your new friends will come from the groups you join after the stroke and very few friends will be from your old friendship groups. It is a sad fact that we, both survivors and caregivers, can no longer keep up with the "old gang".



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How about having a little open house party sometime during the holiday season and invite your friends. Your friends need to know that you are still able to do things.


Some people are afraid they might be asked to do something, but some people are just waiting to be asked.


Anyway, I hope you have a Merry Christmas.



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Just remember you got ALL of us 24/7 and can post, chat, rant just about anytime day or night, weekends too. And you Got the good Lord above!

Thank you Fred. Yes I have all of you and the Lord who is always their.

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Yes, we are here for one another 24/7. We had a quite Thanksgiving.

You really went all out and had Turkey and dressing that you cooked. We went to Luby's. THe line was so long...I decided to order out and eat at home. We had just got off work and William was started. An hour in line would not have been fun.

People are funny. You think that they are friends but the first time you really need them they are gone.


Ruth, Thank you. We usually go out like you and William do and I have to agree it would of been a long wait also. Good idea to take it to go.

I am so happy I have all of you 24/7 friends here. William must of enjoyed having dinner at home and watching good football games.

I may not be happy friends don't understand I have my Carl like you have William.

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Jeannie, we have found life moves on and you actually do make new friends as long as you stay connected. Ray and I still belong to a few clubs and organisations so we still do the rounds of Christmas parties etc. But some parties I decline if they are too late at night or in a venue that is awkward for Ray to get to.


We belong to a craft group so we went to the end-of-year party for that today. Nice Chinese lunch with 21 ladies and Ray!


(In Australia just about everything closes down from Christmas till the end of January!)


Your new friends will come from the groups you join after the stroke and very few friends will be from your old friendship groups. It is a sad fact that we, both survivors and caregivers, can no longer keep up with the "old gang".



Thank you Sue, You are so right life moves on. One of the two stroke clubs we belong is having a lunch I need to email and find out when, thanks for

reminding me.

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How about having a little open house party sometime during the holiday season and invite your friends. Your friends need to know that you are still able to do things.


Some people are afraid they might be asked to do something, but some people are just waiting to be asked.


Anyway, I hope you have a Merry Christmas.



Thank you Vi, that is a good idea. Yes, most of our friends are busy working, and only have their weekends for their personal things.

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