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My Prayer for each day.



Lord, Idid not ask for this, and I have no choice but to accept it. I pray that you will help me to not dwell on the why...but on the why not. I am no better than anyone and there is nothing that makes me above hardships. This is not something that anyone deserves. I know that if you 'brought me to it...you can bring me through it', but I also know that you may have other plans. If that is indeed, true, help me to accept it and be thankful for a second chance. Help me to not dwell on what I cannot do..but, to praise Thee for what I am able to do. Let me use this as an opportunity to help others. To have more compassion and understanding. To be more patient and kind, more forgiving, more loving. If healing me is not in your plan right now, please, at least make it easier. Please give me the energy and the strength I need to get through each day and do my excercises, for even though I know that you can do anything..I have to do my part. Guide me, lead me, tug me , pull me. Pick me up when I'm down and kick me when I'm filled with self pity. Remind me that no matter how bad it seems, there are others who suffer more. Bless me, protect me, wrap me in the warmth of your love. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord. Amen


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Thank-you, Asha. I wrote what I was feeling and also hoped that others could relate. Sometimes we get angry and bitter and forget that all of that is a waste. It will not change anything..it is..what it is. Only our tenacity and our faith will get us through it. And for those who have no faith, they still need to have tenacity. We all have to do what we can to help ourselves, but for those of us who have faith...we need not do it alone.That, gives me peace. Blessings to you and yours at this most holiest of seasons. May God bless all of us, with health, healing and love.


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