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Somebody ..... Help me!!



It has been far to long since I have blogged. Since I last Blogged our daughter in law went through Ankle surgery and our Grandson Robert has had a total knee reconstruction. I spent 6 weeks in Arizona and the same friend I went to visit has been here since a few days prior to Thanksgiving. My friend lost her job within a week of my arrival in Arizona and to say the least she has not been the same since. She suffers from Fibromyalgia. Apparently stress is very difficult for those who have Fibrmyalgia. I have never in all my life been through a more difficult time of life as she has learned to play the invalid role marvelously. Its like she has totally given up and is able really to do less than even myself. I am sure that Fibrmyalgia is not a comfortable thing to have but I am also sure that the loss of her job has more to do with this than the actual discomforts of the Fibromyalgia. She can do anything she wants to do but the depression leaves her unable to care for most of her her more basic needs. I have honestly tried to do all required and keep up however I had no idea that Fibromyalgio could be so debilitating! . I had to go to the Dr to see why I have been getting the Dizzyness lately and my blood pressure was 146 / 164 needless to say that threw up all the alarm bells. I have felt very much like I am going to topple over and exhaustion is the understatement so ..... I will be home for the foreseeable future. My friend left here yesterday without much warning. I hope she is not upset with me . Emotionaly I feel so inadequate, but I have to choose to take care of me. Bill put his food down so I am here worrying just how my friend is going to manage?!?!? The rotten side of all that is feeling like I am really letting down a friend when she needs me. I sure could use some cheering up. God Bless all of you as we get ready to enter a new year. May it be one of Hope and Joy and blessings abounding for you and all those you love. May we meet each challenge and goal that we set. Large or small Love you one and All Karen


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Hey, Karen, I was wondering what had happened to you...glad you are back home and on solid footing. Wow! What an experience you have had! I don't have any answers but know that you need to take care of yourself.


I was diagnosed with breast cancer in October and have had two surgeries and radiation. I begin chemo on January 7. I'm now a stroke survivor and will, hopefully, be a breast cancer survivor.


2010 has got go be better for both of us...I am praying for you.

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I have several friends who are suffering from fibromyalgia and it can be very debilitating. The one stayed at our home several years ago, and to look at her you would never know she was so debilitated until she tried to walk or help with anything. During the night, she got up to use the restroom and fell just getting out of bed, and her husband was able to help her up as he is a very tall and strong man. I am sorry that you had to go through such a rough time with your friend, and hope that you are able to get some much needed rest.





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I have several friends who are suffering from fibromyalgia and it can be very debilitating. The one stayed at our home several years ago, and to look at her you would never know she was so debilitated until she tried to walk or help with anything. During the night, she got up to use the restroom and fell just getting out of bed, and her husband was able to help her up as he is a very tall and strong man. I am sorry that you had to go through such a rough time with your friend, and hope that you are able to get some much needed rest.



Unfortunate for me that I only have so much to give. In Arizona she actually does much better as well. I would say that at times she sure had me counting my blessings to have only suffered a stroke and not have gotten Fibromyalgia My husband has RA and post Polio so I know that pain and ability levels can fluctuate One day she was so in pain and yet very same day later on the same day

she went bowling with a friend who lives here. I wonder if that is the real reason she lost her job recently I would think this should qualify those so afflicted to get disability. Any way as I say I am counting my blessings . Karen

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hi karen, your blood pressure is top priority right now, i just went through the same with my blood pressure of 200/160, needless to say i was worried to death, i was put on another blood pressure med which solved my problem. and several return trips to the doctor for follow ups. as far as your friend, you have tried to help her. i know fibromylagia affects everyone different but i also know if you feed into that it will take over. i have a friend who used to help me out, by cleaning, cooking etc. and she had it also. but she was here pretty much everyday to do 6-8 hours of what i needed her to do. sure she had pain, but she did not let it prevent her from functioning. i also had a friend i used to work with and she had it, but she was able to work everyday as a social worker, plus take care of her dad, who suffered from alzheimers, plus take care of her family. maybe your friend needs professional help or pain management counseling to help her cope. i know she needs a job probably. i don't think your friend is upset with you, you have tried to help her, if she is mad at you, she'll get over it. you can only do so much, if someone doesn't want to help themselves, you are fighting a loosing battle. encourage her to get help or apply for SSDI. the weather does affect how they feel so i've been told.

please take care of yourself now and get that b/p down. you have had alot of stress this past year. i pray this new year will be better for you. hugs kimmie

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hi karen, your blood pressure is top priority right now, i just went through the same with my blood pressure of 200/160, needless to say i was worried to death, i was put on another blood pressure med which solved my problem. and several return trips to the doctor for follow ups. as far as your friend, you have tried to help her. i know fibromylagia affects everyone different but i also know if you feed into that it will take over. i have a friend you used to help me out, by cleaning, cooking etc. and she had it also. but she was here pretty much everyday to do 6-8 hours of what i needed her to do. sure she had pain, but she did not let it prevent her from functioning. i also had a friend i used to work with and she had it, but she was able to work everyday as a social worker, plus take care of her dad, who suffered from alzheimers, plus take care of her family. maybe your friend needs professional help or pain management counseling to help her cope. i know she needs a job probably. i don't think your friend is upset with you, you have tried to help her, if she is mad at you, she'll get over it. you can only do so much, if someone doesn't want to help themselves, you are fighting a loosing battle. encourage her to get help or apply for SSDI. the weather does affect how they feel so i've been told.

please take care of yourself now and get that b/p down. you have had alot of stress this past year. i pray this new year will be better for you. hugs kimmie


Thanks Kimmie I have cried buckets and buckts of tears over this whole thing. I put my life on hold for her did all the cooking and cleaning and still nothing was enough not there or here I am on new meds now trying to get through all this my BP is even higher in the last two weeks and the doctor is fit to be tied why did I not just sent this friend packing. He said if he had to diagose it hed say I am pretty close to mental and pyysical exhaustian and that of the two of us the only one that has something that might make her uncomfortable is her my situation could kill and be the end of me so why I am letting guilt of not being enough eat me alive is more than he can understand. What I know is I am safe at home now. She left in the middle of the night in a snit and at the end of all that I am not a bad person for trying to help her I just forgot to take care of myself in this mess too. Thank you so much Kimmie for understanding Love Karen


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