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The Facts Of Love



Although the English language only has one word for LOVE, the Ancient Greeks had four words for LOVE. EROS, Philia, Agape and Storage. Each word depicts a type of love. Eros ~ Passionate love, Philia ~ Friendship love. Agape ~ A general love. Storage ~ Affectionate love.


According to legend, Valentines Day celebrates the death of the priest St. Valentine. Valentine was martyred for performing marriage ceremonies for young couples. The Roman emperor, Claudius felt that married men did not make for good soldiers and made it illegal for them to be married.


Also according to legend, the first Valentine was also given by St. Valentine himself to a young girl identified simply as "My Beloved". The note was signed from "Your Valentine".


The red rose has been used as the ultimate symbol of love since ancient times. It has been used for everything from ingredients in love potions, to a symbol for an ancient goddess. The rose has also come to represent high emotions such as passion and desire.


There are many facts surrounding the concept of love. Every year on Valentine's Day couples around the world declare their affection for each other. God, however, declares His affections for us every day of the week. He loves us with an everlasting love and He proved that by giving us His only Son, so that whoever believes in Him will have entire life. It is the Love of God that sustains us and give us peace.


That is not just some silly folklore, it's a true fact.



Valentine's Day comes only once a year.



There is a way to have Valentine's Day every day of the year.



You are God's Valentine, I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving kindness. In Jeremiah.


The Power of love is stated in the Good Book in Song of Solomon, Ecclesiastes, and Proverbs. We learned this today about Valentine Day where we show our loved ones, wives, daughter, mothers, sisters, and all people in our lives we care and dearly love them everyday of the year but especially on Valentine Day.


So my friends, as this day comes to a close for another year, I pray you had a friend to share this day with and show you love them and care for them in the manner it was intended from Ancient times.


Remember, God loves you and you are not in this stroke recovery all by yourself.


I hope and pray God's richest blessings upon you on this day of love and hope we shall be around to see another day of love for our spouses and loved ones. Here's wishing your day was a great day in your eyes! And the food was good too! :happydance:


Recommended Comments

wow fred, who knew!. i agree with maria, you have a heart of gold and are loved by all here that know you. i just go for the candy myself, lol flowers die. i hope you and wifey had a great day together.

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