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Canada - who knew!



Hi again everyone


Just came by to say hi. :D


It seemed like Feb flew by with the Olympics and everything. March is here already.


We are having a great winter with temps on average about 4 degrees above normal. No snow to speak of and only one storm day that wasn't really much of a storm day at all.


An interesting year as the USA not only took the largest medal haul at the Olympics but has also taken Canada's 2010 winter as well. lol


That's ok, but I hope no one minds when the polar bears begin hanging out in Florida.


Climate change , global warming and an earthquake that can actually make the earth move on it's axis. This is definitely NOT our fathers world.


Stay tuned for the next BIG story. (whatever it might be)


Smiles :)




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All things happen for a purpose Gary, nice that you got the milder winter in Canada and the most Olympic Gold medals too. Just goes to show you CAN have it all.


Here we've had a milder summer and further south they had all the heat in Melbourne so the world is still well balanced. Our winter is mild compared to Canada but I still hate the short drizzly grey days so am not looking forward to it. Guess it will come anyway...lol


Take care, Sue.

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Hi Sue


Thanks for dropping by with your comment. Good to know that things are well in the land of Oz.


Your winter sounds much like Vancouver. Mild, grey and rainy. I don't think I would like that much either.


Take care Sue.


Smiles :)



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hey Gary:


thanks for stopping by to say hi, Olympics were so much fun to watch US & Canada showed their strong ties of friendship by winning most medals & most gold medals. I don't like your winter tough I don't mind since I don't have to drive in that weather & get to enjoy snow days at home with hubby & kido. I am waiting for your big blog entry. For me if sun is shining then cold temp outside don't matter. I guess I am sun worshipper.




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Hi Asha


Thanks for your comment. I found the Olympic Games very interesting aspecially since I am so familiar with both the Vancouver and the Whistler areas. Brought back lots of good memories. The other great thing was that I had both Canadian and American family there and they were posting on their Facebook accounts with pictures. Of course I do have to mention Heather Moise our local girl two man bobsleigh breakman that won Gold.


I am sincerely sorry that you got the bulk of our winter this year. Glad that you were able to enjoy some storm days with family.


Smiles :)



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