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She's Baaaack...



I just checked the date on my last post, and it has been nearly two years since I posted anything on my blog. I wish I had a good reason for not posting, but I don't.


I miss this blog...I think I need the outlet.


As I write this today, I realize that I am about three weeks away from my five year stroke anniversary, and I am feeling bit reflective. The truth of the matter is, I really have been more reflective about things since I had a stroke. This has all resulted in a total personality change (at least in my opinion). I no longer find the need to reach for anger first. Mostly, I try to sort things out before I do anything else. Okay...now I am rambling, and I will stop.


The thing I have missed the most about visiting this site is the community. I really miss the connections to people who share my experience. I still struggle daily with things related to my stroke, and I worry sometimes that people get tired of hearing about it. I worry that they think, "Good Lord. It has been five years. It is time to move on." I have never been a person to really care about what people think and, frankly, I still don't; however, I just don't want to burn people out.




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hey Suzie:


welcome back. :congrats: on upcoming 5 year anniversary. Stroke does make us reflective and I personally like it. don't be stranger anymore and give us more updates about your life. once you are here, you are part of the family & we miss and wonder about our old friends.





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You can't burn us out, we got our own fires burning. That's why we are all here together as leaning post to hold each other up from time to time. I just made 6 years in January. Congratulations on your up coming 5 years.


I hope you are getting much stronger and your parts are moving and working. I just can't seem to put my cane down, but I think one day I can walk without it. Hope everything is well with you and family.

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Hi Suzie


Welcome back!!! Congrats on your Five year anniversary. Thank you for sharing cus the more we share means the more we care!


Wishing you well going forward.


Smiles :)



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Suzie-q Welcome back I was not here yet whe you were posting or was I I may have been anyway welcome back. There is not a one of us who needs tooooooo much support We really do care and acknowledge how much we are cared about Karen

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