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So Frustrated...



This has just been one of those weeks. You know, the one that seems to go on forever. I had high hopes for this week. I was able to spend this past Saturday evening with my best friend and her family for her daughter's first birthday. I hadn't seen her in three forevers, so I was really pumped. You see, my funny, sweet, smart, beautiful best friend was diagnosed with Stage 4 Gastro-Esophogeal cancer about a week before Christmas. I was and still am devastated. This is a form of cancer that is usually found in older men who have suffered from acid reflux for many years. My friend is 34 and has never had reflux in her life.

Things seemed to be looking up for her last week. She had a PET scan that showed that her tumors were smaller and she might become eligible for surgery, and thus, a cure. She had to have a bronchoscopy last week. The results came back on Tuesday. The cancer had spread to her lungs. Another crushing blow.

Perhaps the hardest thing for me to accept in all of this is the fact that she and her husband had a terrible time getting pregnant. No other woman in the world loved being pregnant as much as this woman. Every stretch mark, every swollen body part, every pregnancy moment, my friend adored. I hate the fact that she is having to fight so hard to stay with her precious child.

I think about her all the time. She has the spirit of a fighter, and I pray every day that she will beat this thing.




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My prayers are with your friend. We are all given many lessons to learn in life.

Remember the the good things and call your friend frequently.




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My thoughts and prayers for your best friend. When I hear this kind of things old age question comes why bad things happen to good people, what good can come out of tragedy like this. but I guess you have to push those thoughts aside and make lemoade out of this lemons. enjoy every minute we have been given with each other. you should stay in touch with constantly and give her support & love she needs right now.




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