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Will it ever end?



It's Thursday, and all aint well.


I got all but 13 locks finished on the master key job. And now I have to help dad start a 35 lock masterkey job as soon as I'm done, since I'm homebound next week until Kathy starts Active Day Care.


Got home and found a not taped to my door. Today is going to be my landlord's first inspection. I'm still living out of boxes, and now I have to make sure the place is presentable?!?!?!? Not to mention that I still have to find time to do all the grocery and supply shopping before Kathy gets home. And I have 27 hours to go before I leave for Cardinal Hill to pick her up.


I just have one thing to say at this paticular moment in time.....AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


Ok...I'm going to hit my head against a wall and pass out for a couple of hours.

Wait....I've still got laundry in the dryer. Time to teach the dog how to do laundry.


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Don't hit your head too hard or the landlord will see the hole. Tell him it's too soon for an inspection you just moved in. Does your lease say he can inspect any time he wants?


(anyone notice how argumentative I am lately?)

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If you have a dog that you can train to do the laundry, I want to borrow that dog. Can you please make sure it can also do the dishes, scrub floors, vacuum, cook and all those other good things I don't have time for any more? happydance.gifroflmao.gifbeer.gif




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You said "your landlord's first inspection" which I'm taking to mean there will be others in the future. If there is a tenants' union in your town, I'd be checking with them on your state laws on inspections. Don had an apartment building for a lot of years which got sold 10 years ago so the laws could have change....but he couldn't just inspect the apartments without a reason. Of course, if the landlord suspects something weird is going on there's always the "I think I smell gas, let me in" excuse which hold up in court.


Also, we rented an apartment for a 1 1/2 years after his stroke and we signed a lease with a large management firm that had rental complexes in four states. We were only inspected once, on an annual spring maintenance check of the building by an exterminator looking for bugs.



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i am SO sorry you are under such stress right now. i understand how AWFUL that wanting to bang your head against the wall feeling feels. i bet once kathy gets home and you get into a routine, it will get better. i hope so!!!



my thoughts are with you michael

kim pash.gif

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