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The Power Of Prayer



We all have need for prayer, it's the power of prayer we ask in God's name just as Christ Jesus did so often. Every one here stands in the need of prayer. When asked, I pray with you and for your needs.




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Fred, I read this three times so each and every well expressed word could be absorbed. You are wise from experience and have so much wisdom to share. I, for one, like what you have written and believe in it sincerely. Thank you, my friend.

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Fred, we were taught to pray for our nation, our nieghbourhood and last of all ourselves. Prayer in the Old Testament is something we do for others and others do for us. So like you when someone on here asks for prayer I get to it right away. With our time difference I pray through your night, you pray through my day, between us we should have it covered. I know not everyone believes in prayer or requests prayer but I never let that bother


And in some ways when we pray God changes us. He sees life so differently to what we do, he sees a thousand years at a time, a plan so big none of us could comprehend it. So my little prayer is a drop in the ocean, but an important part of my relationship with God and those around me. I know when I pray for someone I am giving them my time and my love. I hope that shines into their lives and helps them through.


I like the way you post Fred, don't always agree with it but in this case - totally do.





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thank you Fred for the wonderful and beautiful post. It is something that I needed to be reminded of.


Hugs and Love Anne

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This the blog I needed to read today, my unasked prayers answered, God does work mysterious way. thank you for beautiful reminder we all need from time to time.




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I wasn't expecting this many comments, but I have to tell you, I got some opposition too and that's expected in talking about God. Everybody doesn't serve the same God, so I put a comment in Inspirational Thoughts just now trying to explain my position and the position of those requesting prayer and standing in the need of heavenly help and intervention.


Thanks for your views and opinions, it's a free country with freedom of speech!

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