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i guess no one really reads this anymore



well i just decided to type some stuff in here for my own memories since i don't really get many comments anymore. I appreciate those of you who still comment hough. Well I was discharged from PT shortly after my last entry because my medicaid ran out. I was kind of sad and disappointed. I felt like I had made no progress. Fortunately, I took a 6 minute walk around the hospital and just seeing the stroke survivors and spinal cord injury patients laying in bed and rolling around in wheelchairs, reminded me that that used to be me a couple of years ago. Its good to know I got better since my stroke. I just wish it didnt feel like I have come to a halt in recovery. I got a new leg brace but it is so big and bulky that I dont even wear it much. I also got another hand splint. Lastnight was the first night I slept all through the night without it falling off my hand. The only bad thing is it took me about an hour to get it on and my fingers are still jammed up under the velcro straps and not straightend out. I find myself focusing on my hand more in the summer time because I have more free time from school and I notice my hand more. I try moving my fingers and straightening my wrist but it just will not do it. In my mind it feels so easy. I know I have faith. I concentrate as hard as I can but nothing happens. That is the recipe for disappointment :(. Luckily I started my internship this week so I dont have to deal with the leg, foot, and thigh spasms from laying in bed being lazy all day. On the bad side, now I have to deal with cramps and spasms in my shoulder frpm sitting at my office desk for 8 hours a day. Speaking of school, I did well on my finals all of course. I am ready to graduate in December but very much afraid of being out there "in the real world." I love my internship. I work at the law enforcement office for the largest military base in the country (fort bragg of course). It is very exciting and rewarding. Times like this I am glad I have a disability. I am so thankful for the program for college students with disabilities! I was thinking about writing a poem about how thankful I am and how much I love my imperfections but I havent had time to sit down and think about it. When I finish it I will share. Well I have to get up at 5am for work so I guess this is all


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Hey! Katrina. What makes you think we, your Aunties on Strokenet, will not be interested in you any more? We all have our own worries I guess which sometimes means we don't post right away but we do remember your struggles and think of you and wonder how you are doing and what you are thinking about.


Be proud young lady of what you have achieved. Your disability has not been allowed to drag you down, you have done well and made us all very proud. We have been your cheersquad so turn up your volume and hear us cheering now!


I think you are a marvellous young woman and have great potential for the future. I hope your internship has shown you that you can function in the "real world" and you have so much life experience to bring to anything you do. And you are beautiful as well.


So cheer up, get out in the world and enjoy your life. Your life is a gift, as you say you could have been like those bed-bound patients you have seen in the hospital and yes, maybe they could do with some cheering up too. Maybe when you are not too busy you could go back and have some conversation with a few of them? You've got the experience, tell them how good their future could be. We all get a lot back when we give a lot.


I hope you post more frequently so we know what one of our favourite people is doing in life.


(((Hugs))) from Sue.

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Congratulations on your internship at Bragg, it's not easy to come by, and will serve to pave your way well in your career. Feeling a little nervous about the future and the unknown is something we all go through, stroke or not. You're accomplishments and determination to succeed clearly seem to be indicative of a boundless future with many great things to be realized.


You are an amazing young woman sweetheart who we've loved watched grow up and flourish. We will always be here to celebrate in your accomplishments, kiss your booboos, or just talk if you need to vent.




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I love reading your blogs. I perhaps do not comment each time. BUt, I will. I have been so impressed by how far you have come. I have faith that you will continue to recover. It is just such a SLOOOOOOW process.

The internship sounds great.

You manage to do so much on your own.

You an inspiration to me. I can look forward to my husband progressing. He has come along way. But, it has been much slower than I had every imagined. How you have the energy to do a full day...I cannot even imagine.


Please keep blogging.



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I enjoy reading your blogs and your achievements are big bragging rights of mine. you are inspiration to many people and I know you will do well in your life even with disability. we are always here for you if you need to vent.




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Katrina, Katrina,


I read your Blogs, make comments, ask YOU questions, give answers you ask us to give you, BUT, you never answer back or come back and read our comments we make or make any farther comments to our replies to your Blog.


I have given many recommendations you asked for, hoping you'd come back and say what you decided.


So, in my case being an older man, I just assumed you didn't want answers. I have always been happy for all you have accomplished in your recovery process. Glad to hear now what you got going on in your life.


I must correct you, Ft. Bragg is NOT the largest military base in the USA. That goes to Ft. Hood, Texas. It used to be Bragg but Hood has exceeded it in troops and area since the Iraq war. They even got the largest airfield/airport with Killeen now but it's mostly on the base land.


Should you find what I said to be not true, let me know. In fact the General commanders in the war are coming and going from Ft, Hood.


Take care and I'll be checking back on your blogs, OK?

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Katrina, I'm back, two days later! I don't know if you have come back to check on your blog or not since I see no comment from you.


Let us know, OK?

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fking im here. I usually dont comment right away because I wait for everyone to finish commenting. but when its been a month and i only have 2 or 3 comments (which are probably saying some of the same things) i just make a new entry and address everyone at the beginning of the entry.

but as i said before i appreciate those of you who leave words of inspiration even though i dont do my part in return. it means a lot to know there are people out there who care about me and appreciate me. sometimes i cry when reading your comments because it makes me feel so much better. but by the time i make a new entry way later, sometimes i forget to address your comments since its not relevant to the new entry. i do read them though and try to apply them to my situations

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It is mentally exhausting to read a bunch of stuff but I started reading these blogs once in a while. I don't expect comments on mine since I have just started blogging. I am happy to hear that you have made progress. But, I will rarely post comments unless I think I have something good to offer. Good to hear about your job and training.

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