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Second attempt to "blog"



So I'm trying this blog again. Still not real sure what I'm supposed to be saying here. haha Anyway, been awhile since I've blogged (obviously) as well as chatted. I haven't been able to get on the site for some reason. Could view all as a guest but when I signed in it shut down. Wonderful is our techno!! Hope everyone is promoting Stroke Awareness Month. There is so much awesome info to forward. If you haven't already, check it out at stroke.org. You can forward emails, facebook, twitter & so much more.


About National Stroke Awareness Month



National Stroke Awareness Month takes place in May every year. In honor of this special time, National Stroke Association strives to provide everyone with the tools and inspiration to raise public awareness about stroke by hosting awareness events or activities. It doesn't matter if you are an individual or a large corporation, because the more people we reach, the better.




Stroke is the third leading cause of death and a leading cause of disability in America, but many people do not realize how educating themselves and others will help reduce the incidence of stroke. We urge you to specifically educate others about how to:




STOP stroke through risk factor management.

Act F.A.S.T. to increase recognition of and response to stroke symptoms.

Spread HOPE about recovery from stroke.



Recommended Comments

Well miss Sandy, I think you are doing a great job of Blogging and you can say what ever you wish in YOUR blog. This is where you let it out, it's you and what you feel or think about any given thing or situation.


I like the way you spread out your typing paragraphs so people like me can comprehend what they are reading. I get the email about stroke awareness, probably everyone here does too. I still wish I had known what I know now about a stroke. Man, I thought I had Mad Cow disease cause I couldn't stand up.


All the while I was having a brain bleed stroke. no headache either, just numbness in my fingers and elbow. Now, I'm living life as my new normal too. I celebrate life every day doing what I can with what I got left. That's a good thing, many brain bleeds don't make, so I'm very thankful for what I got now.


I can function quite a bit myself but I got in home care three days a week, which is a life saver in itself. And now I just started PT again.


Keep blogging, it relieves the pressure of healing your body. Take care of you, OK!

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