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Where oh where has Donna been?



Hi Strokenet Family.


I'm so so sorry that I have not been around. Been spending lots of time on Facebook between Farmville and Bejeweled.


I'm still receiving botox injections on my left side. Just received injections on Wednesday 6-16. As I'm having added tone in the palm of my hand that keeps my fingers from straightening, my Doc injected into the palm - talk about OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I'm getting out in my power chair when the weather permits. We've had a very rainy spring so I am limited as my access to the world must lead through my backyard. Wet grass and the tires on the power chair do not mesh too well, especially on my return as the yard is sloped. I have learned how to get myself unstuck while sitting in the chair.


My dear daughter, Kristi, is graduating this Sunday (6-20-10) from high school. I posted a pic in my gallery. There will be a family/friends graduation party on 6-26-10 at my nephew's home. Hey, if anyone lives in our area and wish to attend, you guys are family and more than welcome.


Well, just wanted to touch base and let you all know that I'm alive and well. I have experienced bouts of having staff withdrawal. Love to all.


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Donna I know you are playing Bejeweled etc as you are one of my Facebook Buddies. I also know that you need to reach for new things to do. Just do not forget us here at Strokenet and keep your friends here current on what is happening in your life.


Good friends are hard to find and worth keeping in touch with.



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so happy to see Krist graduating already, wow time flies. she looks so beautiful. tell Kristi Ashaaunty is sending ton of hugs & best wishes for her future success.we love to hear from you so don't b stranger anymore.



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Guest lwisman


Hey Donna,


Good to hear things are still going at your house!


Congratulations to Kristi (and to Donna)!



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Like that title. I know where you have been bejeweled. I'm still trying to get over 100,000 and can't figure it out yet.

Kristie's pic are beautiful just like her mom.

Please send my best wishes to your daughter on her adventure into the world of adulthood.

As for you Donna :You-Rock:


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I am so pleased that you posted. I missed you. Congratulations are Kristi's graduation.


it will be fun. Thanks for the invitation. Wish i was closer and could come.



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Donna, we miss you at Stroke Net but understand your reach for new endeavors. It is always good to keep up on FB.


Have a wonderful day on Kristi's graduation. She had just begun high school when I met you on Stroke Net. How time flies. What are her plans for the future?


Please continue to keep us updated.

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Take care of yourself, I haven't got the nerve up yet to visit those sites like facebook and I haven't been twittering either!

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