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Virgil Lewis



Virgil Lewis Jr.

Dec. 25, 1954-Mar.28, 2010

My dad, Virgil, had a hemorrhagic stroke on Jan. 16, 2010, which caused bleeding on the brain near the brain stem. The saddest and most heartbreaking knowledge for me to handle is that dad could of prevented his stroke, but like most people, my dad thought that it would never happen to him. Dad had CHF (congestive heart failure) and he was an insulin dependent diabetic. Dad refused to take care of his diabetes and as a result his veins became hard and his blood was as thick as syrup. That is what caused him to have his stroke. Jan. 16, 2010 is a day that I will never forget, it was the last time I ever heard my dad’s voice. Dad hung on until Mar. 28, 2010 but he never woke up and was never able to talk to us. Dad was 55 years old when he died. My dad didn’t have to die but because he refused to believe that anything like that would happen to him we lost him. My dad was my best friend and life without him is hard, everyday is a struggle for me. So after my dad died, I made a promise to help anyone at risk for a stroke to fully understand what can happen to them. I also want them to understand that if they choose not to take care of themselves it not only affects them, it affects all those who love them. When dad died I blamed myself, I thought that if I had only made him take care of himself he would still be here today. I know that you can’t make someone do what they don’t want to do but that thought doesn’t help with the guilt that I feel. I want everyone to know that this is how your family feels no matter what. I want to let people at risk for a stroke understand that you can prevent a stroke and those who love you want you to be around for a long time to enjoy life with them.


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hi Angel:


I am sorry for your loss. not all strokes are due to bad habits. "bad things can happen to good people too". I stroked at age 34 after pregnancy i never smoked or drank alcohol. I struggled lot post stroke trying to find out why this bad thing happen to me what did I do wrong to deserve this. till I realize bad things can happen to everybody its how I react to situation will determine whether I live my life as a victim or survivor, and I am proud to be called survivor came out of that black phase in my life with lot of hardwork. Sometimes *beep* just happens in life, and we have to deal with consenquences of it. that's why I believe in destiny.Sorry for becoing philosopher here. but I know what a struggle it was for me to adjust to my life post stroke as a complete new person.



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Guest aboukas


My Dad also passed away from stroke because he had a heart condition that could cause clotting. My Dad did everything that he was supposed to do, he ate well and took his meds. He could not tolerate the drug that would thin his blood however. This most likely caused his demise. I would always tell him taht we needed to go to a good cardiologist, one that could maybe give him options for his heart condition. He kept putting it off...he was doing okay, his doctors gave him the thumbs up a few weeks before he died as a matter of fact. Like someone else said God knows when it is our time to go. For all you know your dad may have had the stroke no matter what he did. I also blame myself at times for not being more active in getting my Dad to second opinions.....but at this point there is nothing I can do about that. Your father would want you to go on and be happy. please try and find pleasure in simple things every day. My Dad died in April and there isn't a day that goes by that my heart doesn't hurt for him....others that have lost a parent to stroke will tell you the same thing. In time hopefully you will stop blaming yourself.

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