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Silly Yard Sale over



Yeah! I survived 2 whole mornings sitting in my garage for people to come and look at all our junk. My hubby tried to talk me out of having it, b/c he was scared it held hidden work for him.

I was able to use thought organization and have things lined up for it to run smooth, never had to ask hubby for anything but to climb into the attic to get down baby bed and other baby stuff

. It was hard getting rid of her baby bed, although she never slept in it, (I felt like I was putting her in a jail, and had to have her beside me 24/7.

I am still hanging on to her baby comforter and bumper guard. It is too pretty and sentimental to sale for $3.00 at a yard sale. I thought I was going to cry when a lady bought her little Tinker Bell Dance Costume. I have inherited "Hoarder Syndrome" It runs in my family. My mom still has every toy that we had as a kid in her house. I have to use self discipline. And motivate myself by watching Clean Sweep.


When my hubby and I bought our house, it was when the docs were saying 0 children. So the size was perfect for 2 people.

Now, I am proud of the size for other reasons, economical, easy to clean, very practical

I just felt very abled to get the job done that I set out to do, and when the days were over, and I was counting the cash, my hubby realized,"Hey that wasn't so bad after all."

I even shared my earnings with him.smile.gif I try to be good wifey:)

Tomorrow is the big Mother's Day. I hope those out there for the ones who mothers are past away, that the day is filled with pleasant memories of your mother, in honor of her.

My mom visited today, and my daughter got very jealous when my mom was being motherly to me. My daughter likes to "do everything for me, as far out as getting jealous when my Mom was letting me borrow her lipstick, my daughter thought she had to take the lid off for me, and etc. I guess, she doesn't realize that I feed/bathe/cloth/nurse her daily, and I can manage to take a lid off of lipstick. My mom backed down after that and let her be my helper. Also I was giving my attention to some one else besides her, ONLY Child Syndrome, and daughter of disabled Mommy attention.

Happy Mother's Day!!!



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Ummm...are you not going to tell us how much you made? Man, what a let down. I will start the guessing: $212.25

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Okay, the answer is $150+ until my parents came to visit and did a little shopping and an excuse to give me money. I ended up after their "sale" right at $300.00.

The last day I practically gave things away, just to have our gargage back! "Everything is a quarter!" It really made strangers impulsively shop.


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