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Metro lift---what a fiasco.!!!!



Saturday. we got picked up right on time. We arrived at our appointment 2 hours early. We had a long day. After therapy, We waited for our pick-up. I saw the bus go right by us. I called dispatch and said that she missed us. They told me that we were a no show. I told her that we had been waiting for 35 minutes.


They had to reschedule. Finally at 4:30PM. 2 hours late we were picked up. The driver told me that he has never picked anybody up at this location. Anyway for a 1-1/2 hours therapy session. We had an 8 hour day. We got picked up at 10AM and brought home at 6PM. William and I were both exhausted.

Monday, I call at 8AM to make the appointment for Tues. and I want to change the time for Monday.


Wm is supposed to be picked up at 10:30AM. They tell me that they cannot push it back an hour. So ...ok 10:30AM....

I have the caretaker start calling at 10AM to confirm the time. They change it to 11:30AM. at 11:30 they tell me that it will not be 12:30PM. I tell them the appointment is at 1PM. There is no way that he will make it. It takes an hour to get there.


I call up the therapist and she says, see if you can get him here by 2:30PM. I call metro back and they cannot promise mete anything. I finally concede and say cancel the ride. I call the therapist and say that we will try tomorrow.


Now, I know that when I call at 8AM. I need to ask if a driver has been assigned for the morning pickup.


We will try again tomorrow. This is not a great system. It is better when I drive. But, this is a state subsidized service. I presume that you cannot expect too much.




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Oh Ruth, I am so sorry, but hopefully it is because your addresses are new to the system (it is run by the government afterall) and after a few initial runs, it will even out. I do know here in Connecticut it makes for a long day, but if it gets you a day or two off, then it will be worth it. You are getting to know the "secrets" to working within the system and hopefully by your third attempt, you will have found things are going according to plan. Luck, Debbie

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Ruth, we have a similar senior ride program here (Govt. subsidized) and the one time I called to use it, they didn't make the trip to where Gary's appt. was located but two days a week and his appointment wasn't on one of those days. I decided it wasn't worth the hassle and never used them.



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I had a bus system for people with disabilities when I used to live in Indianapolis, Indiana. They were NEVER on time. I had left plenty of time to get to my docs' appointment. They were late and I missed two appointments because of their tardiness. So, I gave up on the system, since I HATE being a no-show for my appointments. It was a total insult to make me insult the docs by being a no-show.


The bus system I have here in Pennsylvania is great, even though they come to this particular township on a window of 10 to 3, which is not that big of a deal.

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