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My Aneurysm Update



I went for my Aneurysm update this morning. I met with a new Dr. Farber. He expalined to me my driffrent obtians. He gave me sevel things to consider. The sure way to repair it would be to go in and due the repair that would cause me to be in the hospital 12 to 13 days. There are some obtions that would be less invasive but I would have several more oporations down the road. Oh well I'll let you know what I decide.





Bruce Schwentker


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Hey Bruce,


thanks for the update.


i am sure the options presented to you must be weighing on your mind.


have faith.....i believe you will make the best decision for yourself.






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Having it taken care of will probably not be not a fraction as bad as you think in the end.

It will surely be worth having it tended to and will certainly be worth the relief of not having to live with the potential danger it holds down the road.

Do keep us posted.


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thank you for updating us. have faith and do what you think is best way to go.living with sword hanging on your neck for rest of life is no picnic, but evaluate all the options and then leave it in hands of God. keep us updated on your plans and you will be in my prayers.




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Hi Bruce - tks for update it was a brain anneurysm that put me here of course never knew it was there if I had I would have wanted the time bomb difused if possible diffused, I believe

my 8my uncle had his aortic aneurysm repaired when he was over 80 and did OK decisions seem to be getting harder & harder to make with age seek all the medical advice & info U can get to make an informed decision

best wishes


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Bruce I have several aneurisms When I had my last stroke they looked them all over really good and suggest that maybe surgery should not be the first choice due to the areas of the brain Not sure I can make up my mind on what to do if anything Do what you can live with and have no regrets Hugs to you It is not easy knowing they are there either. Weighs heavy on the heart Not so much for me but Bill is the one who would have to take care of me would it make it harder on him? **sigh** Was it Roseanna Roseanna Dana that used to say on Saturday night live Its always somethin!!!! Now if I can remember that why cant I remember anything else for over 20 minutes? Karen

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oky bruse i look forward to hear what you have decided to do, and i know that whatever you decid to do will work out well for you i hoping to hear very good news from you bruce and you are a very strong man and with strong charicter so i know that all will be fine with you all the best to you bruce i know that you know that you have alot of friends in your corner , your friend lenny

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