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A few days since my last entry and things are progressing rapidly! My home therapies were signed off yesterday and I had to choose a new Rehab unit. This one is closer to home and for the time being it would be better for me. Had to cancel the old one because my "Ride" didn't go to the destination I had originally choseen. I would have had to go by bus, which was not what I need to do at the moment. This new rehab is within the mileage of the "Ride" so I don't have to change vehicles or anything.

I have been going upstairs every nite and I wish I could say I was sleeping well. I'm diabetic and have neuropathy in my feet and legs... add to that those awful spasms on my weak side and I'm up all nite. Thus far I have managed to get the main closet in order (or mostly) so that I don't have to look at all the clutter previously there.... but I still need help with a lot of other stuff. Time......time..............time!

The weather here in SE Massachusetts has been super since Friday last and I've taken advantage of my deck as much as I can. It's been a God send to me!

My friend, who had a stroke in 2003. gives me a ton of encouragement. He told me a few months ago that things would just go slowly for a while and then, all of a sudden, everything would start rolling along and would progress at a surprising speed. I feel like I hit that mark when my PT told me I could go upstairs on my own and then they all signed off on my treatment and I'm on my own outside the house. I must say this is a little scary but I know I can do it!

Til tomorrow......



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hey Annie:


it feels scary at first, but more you do it for yourself, better you will feel emotionally and physically. I still remember first time when I tried walking outside my husband took small stool with him thinking incase I get tired and needs to sit down, well good I never paid attentions to his concerns and kept pushing myself, today I walk 6 miles outside & on treadmillatleast 4 times in a week. do whatever you can do with safety in mind and things will improve. life is rollercoster ride, yor stroke was lowest point of life, now hang on tight ride is going up.



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Keep up the good work your putting into your rehab. Having to go to another rehab and get their by your 'Ride' is part of your rehab. Glad you let go the idea you have to go upstairs to sleep. Nobody else really cares, it all depends if your getting any sleep. Good for you. Jeannie

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