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I had a scare....



Sunday, William did not have the best day. He was depressed and confused. I left him in bed to sleep and told him that I was going to the YMCA to swim.

The front staff come and find me in the pool. They tell me that somebody has called and said that William had a stroke.

I cannot breathe. Oh, No. Not another stroke! he is just getting a little better. What kind of set back will we have.

I try to call home but no answer. I throw on some dry clothes and drive home.

On my way home..I start to think. Who called??? Who knew where I was?? Only, William did. Perhaps it is not too bad. William had to tell somebody where I was. But, who called?

I drive up to the house and expect to see the ambulance. No ambulance?

What is going on?

I rush into the house.

William says "I need help to go to the bathroom."

William had called the YMCA and asked them to get me. He said that he told them that he had a stroke and wanted his wife. They had told him that he should call 911.

Miscommuncation. I lost 10 years of my life over that one.


William apologized for the scare.


I am so glad that is was not another stroke. That would have been a catastrophe. I don't know that I would have been able to handle that.




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Yea, I don't know if I could weather another stroke without being depressed and going crazy. Probably why I try not to even think along those lines.


That just may be why you aged 10 years in 20 seconds. I can imagine a thousand things ran through your mind just that quick. And the very thing you thought was under control...He called you about, the urinal situation!!


He had been doing so good with that situation! It may be that you were not there and he wanted to look in your face! :happydance:

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Ruth: I am so sorry. What a ride home that must have been. However, now that you can breathe again, what a step forward! You must be so proud of William and of yourself. He did the absolute right thing, even when you thought he was confused that morning. A huge step forward, Miss. Good for you guys. Debbie

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ow wow ruththat drivwe home must have been pretty scary for you but i am so happy that william has the ability to call you for help oh ruth williiam seems to be doing very well if he was able to do what he did well and i am so sorry that it scared you 10years of your life but then again it just seems to be another road on your joourney of recobery just a little bumpy more than it should be good luck ruth i hoe that all is fine with william

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Wow Ruth, what a scare! But it also is a lesson on just how strong you really are. Scared as you were look how well you were able to function and plan when you thought another stroke had hit. Good for you! And look how well William did as well. His ability to call was something Dick has never been able to do so I am impressed.


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