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What A Mess...



I don't believe in luck, I just don't think that a thing called luck exists. Ok, with that said I've had some pretty rotten 'luck' with my Dell laptop lately. I have a couple of programs on it that are supposed to catch all viruses, well, they must have been asleep on the job because a virus got by them and caused all kinds of problems, lol. After my wife, Myra, spent several hours on the phone with folks trying to help her, she finally was told that to get rid of the virus she had to do more than to take a few Tylenol, she would have to erase our hard drive completely and start all over like it was a new computer. What a shame, we lost everything! Pictures, addresses, whatever we had is now gone. Too bad that doesn't work for medical bills, lol.


One good thing, we did get a free upgrade to Windows 8 from Dell, upraded from Vista. That's great, and probably a cool thing if somebody used the computer for more than Facebook, email and to talk, lol. I do read on here with what they call the Kindle for a PC, a free download from Amazon, and I do keep up with my kids and favorite sports teams online too, but that's about it.


My daughter's solution was for us to get a Mac, but that's something we can't afford. Ah well, at least I've got most of my 'short cuts' back, I'm sure I've missed some, but in time I'll get them back I'm sure.


What a mess!


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When you're ready for a new one take your daughter's advice. Never, ever, ever again...

We have 8 Dells in this house, a premium customer account, and theoretically a dedicated tech.


Had a similar virus nightmare and was told it would cost me a couple of hundred dollars if

I wanted to speak to someone in the U.S. Like somehow I might go for that.

Two months and countless stressful phone call from my husband later

thy did finally upgrade and replace my computer.


Wasn't worth the angst for something that should have been taken care of without

the run around.


Like I said never, ever again...big mistake...they lost a good customer.. With schoolwork my kids go through computers at a rate of about one a year. At this point I thik of Dell as a cheap disposable that's good for them.


BTW - One thing I learned from my tech in all this...(you mentioned you have a ouple of programs to catch the viruses ~ aka antivirus programs). You should really only have one. Dell comes preloaded with MacAfee. Many people then dd their own without uninstalling the MacAfee. When you have more than one it thy conflict and it creates gaps which can allowa virus to get through. For a few hundred dollars though we can connect you to someone in th U.S. to assist you in fixing that problem. Pretty sleazy business practice. ~guess that's all you can resort to when you're drowning and desperate.


Glad you got yourself up and running again. Sorry you guys were stressed over it.

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Yeah, we hadn't had any sort of problems with MacAfee before, BUT this one time they failed me. We are trying out a 30 day free trial from Norton's right now. So far, so good, lol, but it's only been a couple of days.

Hmmmm, one computer a year, sounds like they have lost a pretty good customer, lol.



aime_1 -- maybe the free stuff just isn't as good as the stuff we have to buy, daggone it. And unfortunately, I don't think that the medical insurance will pay for it, though that might be hidden somewhere in Obamacare, lol.

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So sorry to hear of your problem. Most of us our not computer geeks, as for myself I love being able to talk to a someone that knows about computers, programs, what not download and what too download that's free on line. I go on a chat called Paltalk Scene My link

just put Paltalk it should be the first site. You download follow the directions, put a username an password when you sign in.Then enter:personal computers and high tech help2 You can go in the room and just listen or ask a question. Their are 3 or 4 people that can help you they will advise you send you links. It's really a great site. A site to download free programs: filehippo.com. Need more info on anything I mentioned here just pm me.

Good luck on your, oh I get on that chat just to listen and know if their is a virus hitting computers.


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