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Just Tryin'



I'm still here! I now realize it's been more than a month since I've written. I'd like to tell you how busy I've been, but that would be a fib. Truth? I find myself falling asleep in a chair for no reason at all.... what's that about? Anyway, here's what's been going on.


I have a new walker - this is one that has four tires and a seat and a basket. I love this thing. I feel so free with it and I can see that I stand straighter and walk better than with the old one with the tennis balls! I've managed to get into a Rav4 Toyota with more ease than I had predicted....so I got to go to a Lion's meeting (finally) and I'm working on the newsletter (finally).... Laura, my friend, and I had a small meeting yesterday to put the whole thing in persepctive and we'll be able to present it on Wednesday 9/22. I'm so pleased about this.


Therapy is not going well... buth OT and PT. But things at home are much better. I'm typing faster but not better, hopefully that will come along. Plusses would be that I have gone to a meeting, out to dinner with friends, managed the car thing, am sleeping upstairs in my own bed again, cut a piece of meat, tied a bow on my pants and am going to a counselor/therapist and trying to delve into why I'm such a "pinhead'


So I'm sure there's more but I think my brain is fading and it might be time to go....


I hope this blog gets out like it's supposed to. I seem to have so much trouble doing this..... but I'll be back next week with more of the same!


Please stay well, everyone








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hey Annie:


welcome back stranger. brain injury is lik going backward. anything new you want to learn, do it few times till you excelled at it.start blogging more often and easier it will become. I used to blog every day in the begining & found it very therupetic. blogging for me became like my psycatrist just like you tell doctor how you feel about life & so on. I personally feel blogging here on this site allowed me to accept my life post stroke faster,and enjoy newme better.



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AnnieJay, Ray and I are Lions too. I joined in 1999 after Ray's two major strokes to be his driver as he could not drive and as he had been a Lion for 17 years I didn't want him to have to quit at that point. Must say I do enjoy Lions and although we are not very active members we do what we can.


Congratulations on all you have achieved. It sounds like you are making new improvements weekly now. Some achievements seem small but really improve the quality of your life.


You just need to keep on keeping on. :You-Rock:



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Wow. It's too bad that the OT and PT are not helping you. Usually, it helps people. Your accomplishments are extraordinary! I'm glad things are going well for you outside of the OT and PT. Enjoying being alive and enjoying life are precious.

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