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how far have i come since mystroke, the little things it all adds up



i ceretainly hope that you not getting sick of me, well as you know when i first got home from the hospital , i wasn"t able to walk i came home in a wheel chair having my wife caregiver, taking me with her either by car or by wheel chair, and it was very hard for me having lost the independance that i first had as you probably know before my stroke i had just finish running two marathon, so all i could think about was to get it back , little by little so i start of by walking a little further each day, and then not taking my usual rest stop and then walking further and then finally adding twice a day and i begin to notice that i could sit down without holding on to the chair a little thing yes but still an accomplishment, and then what i use to not be able to do was dress my self or even put on my shoes on me as my foot was to spasticity so what i would do was sleep with my shoes on uncomfortable yes but you do what you have to do that way i didn"t have to fight with my ankle and left foot to get on my shoes and then all of a sudden i notice that since walking now i could put on my shoes now in fact quite easy, oh boy i can sleep in my bare feet, and i call that an accomplishment , and then finally i was dressing my self slow but i couldn"t do that before, oh yes an accomplishment and then i could lay on my stomaack and i couldn"t do that before my left arem and shoulder would hurt to much but low cand behold i can , i must be getting better i don"t remember being able to do that and now i can bend my left leg and knee up tight and i know that i couldnt do that before only if i grab my leg with mt right hand and push my left leg up tight to my body but now i can do that myself that to me is a major accomplishment and now i van streatch my leg up and streten up mt leg , it all took a long time to do and i did have to work at itbut slowly but surly i got that to work so you see it does happen however very slowly but when you add up all the accomplishments i am sure that you will see that you have done it and you will continue to accomplish more and more but as slow as it is i suggest that you write it down so when you can do this you will remember that you now can so my friend lets start to add it up how far have you come a?and have you been setting yourself little goals?because that is what it takes that is how you peel the onion to find out just what you r body can do for you little by little but it will all add up try it and you will see if there is something that you would like to accomplish by yourself work on it set yourself a goal and don"t give up if you fail there is always next time , and all of it will addup


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Thank you Lenny for adding your blog to my list of good things for today.


:yay: Congratulations on all your step by step achievements.



:happydance: :happydance: :happydance:



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are you kidding me, getting tired of your blogs, I love your blogs, it always inspires me, and I realize we all still have so much to be thankful of even post stroke. your blogs makes me feel good about the world. So please keep on blogging. I enjoy them very much.



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are you kidding me, getting tired of your blogs, I love your blogs, it always inspires me, and I realize we all still have so much to be thankful of even post stroke. your blogs makes me feel good about the world. So please keep on blogging. I enjoy them very much.



oh thank you asha for always being so positive, you always make my day thank you asha , and don"t worry asha if i get the urge to blog just for you i will continue to blog , as it makes me feel good about myself when i blogg and i know that you like it when i blog,

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You wear the title "Inspiration" . Your courage and constant cheerleading make everyone here grateful to know you. Somebody said "No matter how hard it gets, Never give up." or something like that. Stay the course my friend.



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I second Asha. I love your blogs. They give me hope that William will one day be able to walk. He is going slowly in that direction. He keep improving!! That is the good thing. Like you said it is the little things that happen.

Thank you for sharing your story. It was an inspiration for me. I will continue to push William.

Keep up the blogs. I love them. They are good for me.


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