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Murphy's Wounded And Down



I’m reluctant to write this except to thank all who have been sending well wishes and prayers toward Bernie’s recovery. She is definitely on the mend with great acceleration.


A week ago Bernie was moved from one of the premier Detroit area Hospital / Medical Centers to a very small, but specialized rehab hospital. One of their primary specialties is tracheostomy weaning. After her initial evaluation the PT Honcho took me aside and told me not to expect miracles and that many people live out their lives without the use of one leg. I wanted to deck the guy on the spot, but I simply told him we’ll see what happens.


During this past week I’ve worked both passive range of motion and mental concentration exercises with Bernie. We worked often, repetitive and long hours. Today I felt safe enough to call several relatives and friends that have praying for us and pass on wonderful news. I want to share the same news with all of you that kept the faith with us.


To make a very long story short, today the evaluating PT Honcho gave his very humble apology to me for the delivery of such a bleak outlook the other day. I knew the day after he did the evaluation that he would be sampling crow meat.


Bernie has done remarkable things this week. She will start her standing / walking training tomorrow, her left leg is doing great. Her left arm, wrist, hand and fingers are well on their way also. She also had a speaking trach put in yesterday and is talking quite well, amazing.


I’m hesitant to wallow too much in this celebration because of our history with this bleed that started so simple.


You can’t beat faith and the strength of the Irish. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, from a humble servant




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:Good-Post: :Dance: :beer: :Clap-Hands: :happydance:


Hip hip hooray! :You-Rock: Bernie and Mike. Well done to both of you. Great effort.


Sue and the gang. :chat:

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thank you so much for sharing wonderful news about Bernie, what a great way to start my day. You made my faith strong in faith and power of prayers.


keep on giving more good news.




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I'm so happy for Bernie in her recovery and for you in sticking by her side when she needs your loving care more than ever. I have so much praise for those who really care for their loved ones at times like these!

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Mike: this is wonderful news. Congratulations to you and Bernie. I tip my glass of wine to your beer and Bernie's Baileys! Thank you-you have made my day. Debbie

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I am so happy to hear this news Mike!!! You and Bernie have been in my prayers, and will continue to be. During Fred's first hospitalization, one of the doctors told me that our prayers and Fred's own spirit did more for his healing than the medical community ever could - I'm thinking your Bernie is a lot like my Fred! May you continue to know the healing power in your lives, especially toward Bernie's continued recovery and your ongoing strength and perseverance!




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just came upon yours and bernie's story. thank God i came to this happier update.happydance.gif another two added to my prayer list. i know about the hardy irish. doctors said i would never walk again and that's when my irish kicked into high gear. wishing you and bernie all the best and many blessings. please keep us updated.congrats on keeping your frustration and anger in check.son and husband weren't quite as good when i fell twice in the hospital. the nurses even pu t a leaf over my bed. it was the symbol of fall

i was pretty ticked since both times it was hosp. fault. lynn

btw grandaughter has bright red hair and the personality to go with it.go irish

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