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stroke club on friday



hello, well i just thought that i will try to let you know what is happening for friday, well i have decided to start going to stroke club in richmond , i use to go quite alot but i have found that my life has been getting way to busy , before when i use to go lots i was nominated as president to the stroke club and of coarse as president, i had to get quite involved so i just got to busy and stop going all together on friday but after purchasing the bioness and it has been working for me a friend of mine ask me if i would come to stroke club to inform on how the bioness is working and how you can contact on getting the bionese , so i decided that i would love to go so on friday at 11:00 i will take the handi dart and give a demostration of the bioness and how well it work for me and how to purchase it and so now in a day in a life at the stroke club first you go to speech therapy for about one hour where we do lots of exercise on learning to spesak if you have asphasia after ward you go to exercise where you do some exercise to keep in shape it is again very easy and very doable then it is off for a little entertainment where we get to listen to either a piomo player or a guitae player along with a singer after which we go over for a little social where we drink coffee and eat lots of goodies and after all of that that is where i will give a little speech and a demponstration of my bioness, and after doing the job as president i will not be putting my name to run i will just sit there and enjoy being a member and just playing games, bingo!!well guys all the best to you and i hope nothing but thevery best for you and remember like i said before don"t ever give up no matter how hard it gets because a journey your journey may be the recovery that you are looking for stay positive my friend and above all enjoy yourlife and make the best of it


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great news, you will be giving so much hope to those new stroke survivors showing them there is life after stroke too.



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Lenny: while I understand not being able to give the time necessary being President of the Club, I hope this won't hold you back from going. This sounds to me like a wonderful idea and I wish we had it here. So for some exercise time you get treats-lol. Sounds like a plan to me. As a caregiver, I know how important it is to get new information and therapies out there. And who better to get the info from than those who are actually involved in it. Thank yo for taking the time and giving back to the stroke community. As you know, a lot of us have to dig up this information from various sources. Thank goodness we have StrokeNet and Stroke Awareness Clubs to help with that. Thank you, Debbie

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