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Well all my dear members, the new year is upon us, I don't make resolutions, never have, but I pray we are all still above ground when it arrives on Saturday. I can't stress enough to be careful as in most cases it's the other person not paying attention that can take our lives in a second.


What worries me the most is people driving and texting resulting in a head on collision and certain death of innocent persons! So for me and my family, we stay home say our prayers count our blessings and trust God to guide us in the coming year!


The fun thing is watching the new year arrive in the different countries like Japan, China and cities like the big ball drop in New York city. CNN covers almost every country and most big cities around the world.


Many, many years ago I would be out in a club or beer joint celebrating but now I changed all that to church services the evening before and home by 8pm. Too many people got guns these days and any little thing upsets them so much, they want to start shooting not knowing who will get hit.


It may be in most cities in the US, but I know for sure here in Texas, people shoot their guns in the air at midnight and use fireworks too. As a rule I try and stay away from my windows and walls because some of them are drunk already and got guns in their hands!


Being a stroke survivor is enough for me. Getting shot by some fool is not in my plans of celebrations!


I wish each of you a safe New Years Eve and Day and may God make your year prosperous too! :cheer: :happydance:


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I also want to wish you happy, healthy & prosperous New year. We are also planning to chill at home & enjoy new year from comfort of our home.



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Fred, In Georgia they also soot off their guns at midnight. News Years Eve we venture out for dinner but were home pretty early also.

I also want to wish you happy, healthy & prosperous New year.

remembertolaugh, Jeannie :cocktail:

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Fred: Happy and Healthy New Year to you and your family.


My darling 26 year old daughter just posted on Facebook the 800 number for AAA here in Connecticut and said they will take your drunk self and your car home for free. While the wording could have been a bit better, I am very proud of her.


I always accepted the ambulance duty from 11 pm New Years Eve until 7 am New Years Day. Figured they needed an old curmudgeon to handle the runs. Busiest night of the year, followed close by Halloween.


I am happy now with just a few friends in or out to their homes for an early dinner and then home safe and sound.

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