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2011 is just around the corner!



I've spent the last several months doing physical therapy for my right wrist that was broken in a July fall and for two fingers on my left hand that were broken in an August fall. The first time I slipped on water near a pool and the second time I fell over boxes of hangers next to a counter at Dillard's. Wbew! What a summer I had. I started seeing a chiropractor who has worked with me on strengthening my upper torso muscles to help me in my walking. All in all, I have made progress.


I'm also doing yoga and finding that very relaxing. Hey, I can't do everything but I enjoy parts of it.


Logan (grandson) is now 2 1/2 and I now watch him three days a week rather than two. I love, love this child. It is so amazing seeing things through the eyes of a child. When he wraps his arms around my neck and tells me he loves me, my heart just melts. Of course, there are days I am exhausted and go to bed early, but having the opportunity to be such a part in his life is all so worth it.


I'm helping a college prof with his on-line teaching by grading submitted work and etc. This is fun and keeps me involved.


I am still very involved with Make A Wish and also Be A Kid First. These are two organizations that really give back.


I volunteer one day a week at the Cancer Wellness Center and meet so many

nice people. This gives me a chance to interact with adults.


I finally have hair! I relegated "Rennie," which was my wig to storage. All wig companies name their wigs and Rennie was a good companion to me for many months.


All in all, life is good. I continue to work on my left leg deficits and doubt I will ever give up.


For me, I'm hoping for less doctor visits and hospital stays in 2011. It can happen. For you, my Stroke Net friends, I wish you nothing but health and happiness in 2011.


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Thank you so much for your kind wishes Stessie. I too wish for good health and happiness for all of us here at Strokenet.


You are such a joy to know, your attitude is wonderful and I hope that as Ray's troubles increase I too can bounce back like you.


(((hugs))) from Sue.

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Thank you for the wishes. Wishes to you and all those at Stroke net. Stessie, you are a inspiration for all those felling the blues and believe they can't do anything. :happydance: Your a YES I Can!! I'm also doing yoga and finding that very relaxing also.

remembertolaugh, Jeannie :cocktail:

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lovely blog, great 2010 gift I have gotton 2 great blogs in a row, what more I can ask. I am so happy you are doing better, I bet watching your grandson is best antidepressant therapy one can ask for. kids are so much fun. I want to wish you happy, healthy, & prosperous New year.



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I am so happy to hear from you. It sounds like you are keeping super busy. Good for you.

I am so happy that you get to enjoy your grandson. You are very lucky indeed.


Keep working on recovery. You are doing so well.



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