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Happy New Year



I've been wanting to start a blog, I so much enjoy keeping up to date with everyone by reading their blogs. New years day seemed like a good day to start. So, here I am, although I really don't have a lot to say.


Today has been a very good day so far. We both slept well last night. I slept in until 7:30 this morning! We are still on schedule to move in 9 days. Dan's not been in the hospital for one whole week now. He was in the hospital three times in three weeks. Sounds horrible, but it's almost old hat now, no big deal, as long as he's breathing and can complain, then I know he's ok. He's doing much better. The back pain seems to be under control and he's got a doctor appointment on Monday.


Almost two weeks ago I went to Indiana while Dan stayed in Ohio with caregivers. I closed on our new home and got all of our belongings delivered from storage. Our best friends were there to help me direct traffic with the movers. I slept one night in our new house all by myself, no TV, no phone, no computer. I woke up the next morning in a bed surrounded by boxes and listened to the heavenly quiet. I got up, walked into the great room, still surrounded by boxes, and all I could think was "I DID IT!" I felt as if a weight had been lifted from my shoulders and I actually started to relax a little. I am very proud of myself. We're not living in our house yet, so I'm not quite finished yet. The hardest part is done. Now I need to pack up the apartment, clean the apartment, pack stuff to take with us, and drive us to Indiana one last time. Two of Dan's brothers and their spouses will be traveling to Indiana to help me get the house together. We'll only be 150 miles from each brother so, hopefully, we can get together more often. I could not have done any of this without their help. Dan's family has been there for us since his stroke in May 2009. We are very fortunate to have loving families to support and help us through the bad times as well as the good times. I thank God every day for what we've been given.


I keep reminding myself that this house will not solve nor cure anything, it will, however, make life easier for both of us, I hope. Dan will be able to get his wheelchair through the whole house. There are no steps into the house from the garage, the microwave is under the counter so he can use it, and the shower is a roll-in shower so all we have to do is transfer him to a shower chair. Now I need to cajole, convince, and encourage him to use these features to help himself. His logic deficiencies still stymie me sometimes.



This will be a good year. I know it in my heart. No matter what happens, it will still be a good year. The following quote is from a friend in my Caregiver Support group: "Do not be afraid of tomorrow; for God is already there"


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MaryJo welcome to blogworld, a place to get to know others in a more deep and meaningful way. As you say New Years Day is a great time to start out on a new enterprise.


I pray for you that the move goes snoothly. A house that the wheelchair goes through is what I need right now too as Ray's has difficulty negotiating from the kitchen to the back area where the toilet is located so he can get so far through and then calls me.


There are many adventures ahead of us in 2011 so we look forward to sharing them with you here. :You-Rock:



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Mary Jo, What a good idea to start a new adventure as blogging on Jan. 1st, 2011.

I look forward to read your blog, after all you did a great job for the first time. You did have something to tell us. lol

Your in my prayers for your move to go smoothly. It;s great to family around, you can relies on family.

Don't forget to take care of yourself. Take in a massage or something.:You-Rock:

remembertolaugh, Jeannie

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welcome to wonderful & therupetic world of blogging. I love reading and writing blogs.I find them very therupetic for my soul. from your blogwindow in your world I can feel you have great attitude towards life, and with that attitude you will do great in this post stroke journey life with love of your life. your new house feel like will make life so much easier for both of you. It will allow Dan to be more independent in his activity of daily living & that boosts so much self confidence. having family close by is big help. keep on blogging, love to know you more through your blogs.



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I am with you...I need to convince William to do for himself. It is hard to get that into his head. But, that is a goal for this year.

congratulations on the house. I am proud of you. You are certainly blessed by family.


Keep blogging. I loved reading about your new place.



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