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Surgery Canceled

AZ Leah


The surgery I was scheduled for today was canceled yesterday afternoon after seeing my pulmonolosist. I don't know why I didn't know this before but my lungs are in bad condition and I am a high risk for surgery. I have COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) and emphysema even though I quit smoking 15 years ago. These conditions do not go away. Luckily I haven't had pain for almost 2 weeks so I hope it won't come back. He can't say why because my spinal cord was definitely narrowed; I saw the MRI myself. Pulmunology dropped the ball, as they should have told me to make an appt a couple months ago. Perhaps this is God's will and I certainly wouldn't be put on a ventilator. So now I need to start some sort of rehab to gain some of my strength back. My previous trainer is going to call me. Yesterday she said we will take it real slow just like when I was recovering from my stroke. I am ahead of the game a little as I can walk with a walker. I have a lot of faith and I'll be depending on my angels to help with this process. Thanks to all who prayed for me. I'll keep in touch. Hugs, Leah


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I'm sure that with your determination things will happen the way you want them too. Yes, you will have to take things real slow but we know here that slow and steady wins the race.


Wish I was there to start a snowball fight and have some fun.



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Leah: this may be a blessing. You are not afraid of hard work, as any stroke survivor will attest. Take it one day at a time and I think you will be pleased with the outcome. Debbie

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believe this whatever is happening is for your best. Sometimes up close we don't see God's goodness & plan in it. So just hang on & trust God & let things unfold it's own way by believing everything is happening is for your own good. I know it is hard thing to do but I know you can do it.



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Thank you everyone for your words. We never know what God's will is for us or why things happen. This huge "backward" step and facing another disease is yet another layer of acceptance I've had to deal with. I had a 15 min "work-out" with 1# weights with my trainer on Sat and have scheduled 1/2 hours for this Wed. I hope I have as much left in me to get stronger as you all think I do. One thing for sure, I may be a little depressed but I AM NOT giving up. Hugs from Leah :friends:

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Leah I am so sorry that you are going throug this delay. We know that feeling so well Bill has Pancreatic Cancer and was to have surgery but they cannot till they clear the blood of the chemotherapy for his RA The clock is very loud as it ticks so slowly This is a huge battle for his life Yet all we can do is take one day one step at a time Hugs Karen

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Leah I am so sorry that you are going throug this delay. We know that feeling so well Bill has Pancreatic Cancer and was to have surgery but they cannot till they clear the blood of the chemotherapy for his RA The clock is very loud as it ticks so slowly This is a huge battle for his life Yet all we can do is take one day one step at a time Hugs Karen


Karen: Thank you so much for your reply. I'm sorry about your husband. My RA hasn't flared since I've been on mexatrexate (didn't know they even did chemo for it) but my pulmonologist said the meth..damaged my lungs. This was news to my well-known rheumatologist who said methotrexate does not cause lung damage. One hand feeds the other. I'd love to go back to one only dr. who "knew everything". But today that is not possible even if you are in the hospital with every type of specialist around. They treat you ONLY what you are admitted for. I didn't know about my COPD or emphysema until after I left the hospital. I wasn't bad until I had the punctured lung. My prays for Bill. Pancreatic cancer can be beat and I know for a fact that miracles do happen. God bless both of you. Love, Leah

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