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Remembering where we were 1 year ago



Hello all. I haven't blogged much lately and I see others haven't either. Are we all waiting for spring and warmer temps? We had a fairly busy weekend. Larry had his Botox Friday morning. The rehab doctor wrote a script for his outpatient therapy again. I was happy he can go back again. He has to be evaluated tho first and we shall see. I'm not sure he is happy about it but this is the best thing for him now. Larry's friend came to visit in the afternoon. He is one of the few that Larry use to work with that comes to visit lately. It's good to have friends that stick by. He updates Larry on co-workers and what is going on with his semi retirement. Larry said he doesn't miss going to work even tho it was only part time. I think Larry did a semi retirment 3 times but this time was to be permanent and the stroke made sure it was. We went to our granddaughter's birthday party Saturday as she turns 12 years old on the 19th. Last year at this time we were helping Larry's daughter move. We went up and down the stairway carrying loads of clothes, etc. We went to Emily's 11th birthday party. Larry was wrapping things up at work trying to help his replacement take over. He was extremely tired and I thought at one point he was either too stressed or depressed. I had made an appt. with his internist the following Monday as I couldn't get in sooner. On the Friday morning before, he had gotten up as usual around 4:30 a.m. to make coffee and feed the cats. I got up later, as I usually did. I came in the kitchen to find Larry lying on the floor, left side of face drooped and slurred speech. He had no pain and no headaches. He said he fell and he didn't call me or couldn't. I don't know why I didn't hear him, but what guilt I have felt since then for not getting up sooner. I called 911 and they took him to the hospital knowing right away he had a stroke. So, February 5th will be his 1 year stroke anniversary. As I am writing this, tears come just remembering. Sorry to be so long. I'm thankful he is alive and progressing.



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:congrats: on your first stroke anniversary. first couple of years are the hardest coping with sudden change in life, and guilt that gets associated with all what ifs. though I learnt as time passes & we reach acceptace stage life becomes joyful again one more time and I know this because I have lived trough it to tell. I have realized post stroke life is still good just little different if I give chance to it.



Asha(41 yo old & now 7 year post stroke survivor)

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Julie, the first year is hard, everyone says so. You and Larry have coped well so far and I am sure you will into the future. Though it is one day at a time.


In 1995 we moved all three of our children, twice! Funny how you think of things like that.


See you in chat.



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Julie: Congratulations to you and Larry on Year One. You both have worked so hard and have come so far. You truly deserve to celebrate. When we, as caregivers, look at those wonderful survivors in our lives and think "How did this happen?" and then flash on the memories, it is good to cry and remember. It gives us the hope and strength to continue working and recovering. Party away and then off to business as usual. Cheers, Debbie (I need the emoticon with the wine glass, but you know I toast to you both!)

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Yes, congratulations. time goes by quickly and you are both adapting to the new life as you know it. Yes, persistence and work. It takes alot of patience.



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Congratulations on making it thur the first and worst year. They do get better cause we as caregiver get better and know more and the stress is a little less. I still cry when I think of the weekend that Don stroked and how I didn't do anything for him thinking that it was just the flu that was going around at that time. Take care of yourself and make sure that you get the rest that you need so that you can be the best caregiver that you can be. :Clap-Hands:

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Yes :congrats::Cheers:The first year is the worst, now on to better years.

Larry will find therapy second time around much easier and more beneficial. For his brain has had a year of healing. Jeanniebean :cocktail:

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