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Life goes on



With the holidays over and winter in full swing things are falling into a routine you now. I'll be starting PT again for my rotator cup very soon. I found out last week that each year my PT renews so I can get another 60 consecutive days per injury. Once I finish the 60 days for the rotator cup I will try and do another 60 days of PT for stroke recovery. Once we get the taxes done and see how much were going to get back I hope to be able to do at least 10 more sessions of HBOT. It cost $126 a session so 10 is probably all am going to be able to afford if I can afford that, but the HBOT does seem to help me. Even my primary care physician has told me she feels it is beneficial for me.


Working with the social worker these last few weeks has helped a great deal. I find my mood is much better and more upbeat. Before the stroke I was "the glass is half full" kind of person but after the stroke I became "the glass is half-empty" kind of person. We have been working on ways to get back to "the glass is half-full" kind of an attitude and it seems to be helping.


I finally got through to my husband that I want to help fix dinner. He kept saying that was easier for him to just do it and for me to go sit down, but by helping it puts me in a much better mood which in turn makes it better for him. So now this past week I have been helping with dinner it's nice to be working as a team again I may not be able to do everything to fix the dinner but I can help I think he finally sees that.


I bought a rocker T knife a couple weeks ago and I really like it. I'm able to cut the food up on my plate without help and it makes me feel much better about things. It's amazing how doing some little things for yourself can put you in a much better mood.



While my husband will be home in just a few minutes I'd better get things ready for us to start dinner. Talk to everyone soon


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Volare: Good for you. I think most of us caregivers have so much on our plates that we tend to want the task done so we can move on to the next one. I personally forget that Bruce may also enjoy helping out with the task. In his case; paying bills, cooking, laundry and dishes.


Good for you for communicating with your Husband with what you would like to participate in and kudos to him for listening.


Best, Debbie

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that's great. I feel the same way more I help out better I feel about myself & slowly my hubby has also learnt that I will be safe doing alone so slowly I am doing more of load in our household. my next project is to do our taxes. I feel small steps like these helps big time in my state of mind too.



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Sheryl, good for you for expressing what you need to do to feel as if you are part of the team again. I am sure that what you are able to do will increase as you become accustomed to the kitchen chores again. :Good-Post:



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Sheryl, Thanks for reminding we caregivers of a survivors goal of wanting to play an active role in things and goal of independent living. Like Debbie, I'm too often guilty of the "let me do it and get it over with" attitude. Where did you buy the rocker knife, it might be a nice gift for my wife? Who's the car guy, you or your husband, or both? I think there must be half a dozen car enthusiasts on my block, a couple of Mustangs among others, and me and my 50 Ford. Your Volare looks like a quarter miler, I'll have to check your picture gallery to see if there are more pics. Keep up the positive attitude and progress, Mike

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When you finish PT, don't forget Bowling is on TV on Sundays! :rolleyes: Oops!Oops, it's going to be Saturday, tomorrow, not this Sunday the 22nd. Saturday the 21st is bowling on TV ESPN!


You are on the Team!

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