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What do you feel like on your stroke rehab journey?



Billk from strokenet referred to it as 'one big biology experiment, with me in the bottom of the Petri dish'

A friend from Australia put in a presentation to a stroke conference. 'It seemed like I was the first person on this journey.'

My take is something my dad sometimes used to say 'Up sh*t creek without a paddle'. I finally did manage to buy a t-shirt from the Sh*t Creek Paddle Company. This is kind of what I as a stroke survivor feel like. No directions and no propulsion aids. And no towing service available. :roflmao:

Whats your take? I'm sure there are other equally subversive and pungent ones. Please add some more, I'm collecting them for letters I want to write. :ranting:



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Oc1Dean I wish my spouse would take an interest in using the computer or doing research on strokes like you. He use to use the computer with his work and at home he used it a lot but just for reading E-Mails, playing online chess or just browsing CNN & sports. Now he won't go near it - like it's poison or something. Sue is right what about us? We caregivers are doing double work and don't have much time to look into the things you do. I wish Larry would be more proactive in his care and recovery but that also seems to be me too. :juggle: Keep posting and stimulating your brain and ours too. This is how we learn. :thumbsu:


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it depends on the day. some days pin cushion with botox injections.some days a failure as i see the look of disappointment on loved ones faces when i can't do the things i used to do so effortlessly.tongue tied as i try to explain to 4 yr. old why i can't get on the floor to play with her when her other grandmother can(but at least she says the other grandmother is old but i'm not).actually i'm olderbouncesmile.gifmost days just proud of myself for not giving up which would be the easiest.glad i have the fighting irish spirit in me.sleazy.gifand happy to have found so many caring friends on this site. today feeling sick of the cold and snow. a high of 6 degrees and other snowstorm in the forecast.laughbounce.gifit's good to know that you know other people are going through the same struggles, some worse, and know i'm a survivor.it's certainly not a bed of roses as brett michaels said every rose has its' thorn. blessings mlp lynn

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My take on it, really is I am a woman living with the love of my life, I have my ups and downs like anyone else. Oh yes and btw I happen to have had a stroke 26 years ago, no big deal, I have learned to deal with it. It does not define me because it is not the first thing people see anymore. My attitude does not show I had a stroke so people will see it but it is not the first thing they see anymore. Attitude is so important. If you carry on as if you didnt have the stroke people dont really see it apart from a limp and me not using my left hand. That just the way I see myself. A woman trying to be happy in spite of the ups and downs who just happened to have a stroke.



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"A Blessed Man" that's what I feel like and after passing 7 years recovering, I know that at this time!


I hope you are coming along the same way. You are blessed to have survived,

some people don't!

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This is the first thing in my 48 years I have not been able to get out of easily. Initially,I thought I'd be walking in a fundraiser 6 months post stroke and learning to kayak as planned. I was annoyed that my plans to get back to cross country skiing that winter had been upended. 16 months post stroke now, my time-line has changed, but my goals haven't. No one has told me I'm delusional and I wouldn't listen if they did. I'm still alive and am thankfully left with enough cognitive function to independently work on recovery.

I like your posts. Thanks for your insights.

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